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House to vote on Rangel censure

By Brianna Keiler and Deirdre Walsh, CNN
  • Rangel is found guilty of 11 counts of violating House rules
  • Ethics committee recommends that Rangel pay restitution for unpaid taxes
  • The House has an hour to debate the report before it votes
  • Rangel asks supporters to urge lawmeker to oppose the censure resolution

Washington (CNN) -- The full House of Representatives is expected to vote Thursday on the House ethics committee's recommendation to censure New York Democratic Rep Charles Rangel.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, who handles the House floor schedule, told reporters Wednesday that he informed Rangel and Rep Zoe Lofgren, the chair of the ethics committee, that the committee's report would be considered Thursday afternoon.

After a lengthy investigation, the House ethics committee found Rangel guilty on 11 counts of violating House rules, including failing to pay taxes on a vacation home in the Dominican Republic and improperly using his office to raise money for an educational center bearing his name.

On November 18, the committee voted 9-1 to recommend that the House censure Rangel and that he pay restitution for any unpaid taxes. The committee's rules require that its report be presented to the House for a vote.

In addition to a formal House vote, censure also requires that Rangel stand in the well of the House as the resolution rebuking his actions is read aloud by the Speaker of the House. The House has one hour to debate the report from the committee before it votes.

Committee recommends Rangel be censured
Rangel comments on ethics ruling

Rangel reached out to his supporters in an email on Wednesday apologizing for his actions, but calling the penalty excessive and asking supporters to call House members and urge them to oppose the censure resolution.

"I am truly sorry for mistakes and would like your help in seeing that I am treated fairly," Rangel says. The email includes a link to his campaign's website with a "fact sheet" entitled "10 Reasons Charlie Rangel should NOT receive censure." The document argues the milder sanction of reprimand is what the ethics committee has recommended in previous cases.

Hoyer said he hasn't decided whether he'll vote for censure.

"I'm going to wait to hear the report of the committee and the debate on the floor before I make a conclusion on the appropriateness of the recommended penalty," he said.

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