News of the Day: Early reports: Job gains signal stimulus impact

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According to a preliminary review by the USA Today, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has created or saved more than 388,000 jobs so far this year.That number is only for jobs created directly by the stimulus package and doesn't include jobs created indirectly by workers spending their new earnings.

While jobs were created across all sectors of the economy, the USA Today highlights some jobs created in the education sector.

The states' reports suggest the biggest impact has been at schools. Twenty-three states that have reported school job numbers said more than 156,000 jobs had been created or saved.

Carol Bingham, director of fiscal policy for the California Department of Education, estimated the stimulus saved about 20,000 teaching positions. But she and others warn that precisely counting saved jobs has proved almost impossible. "It was intended to be a count. The way it was done, I think it's going to end up being an estimate," she said.

Indiana officials reported that the stimulus had created or saved about 13,000 school jobs. Asked whether he had any idea how many layoffs the plan had prevented, state Education Department spokesman Cam Savage replied: "I really don't."
Learn more about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and read Chairman Miller's statement about the Administration's estimates on education jobs.


In Europe lifelong learning takes now has a different approach, we hope to see more development as a result of new legislation, good luck all teachers!


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