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Event: 'Subcommittee On National Parks, Forests And Public Lands Legislative Hearing On H.R. 765, H.R. 1769, H.R. 2476, H.R. 3388, H.R. 3603, H.R. 3759, And H.R. 3804'

Subcommittee Hearing
Date: Thursday, November 05, 2009 At 10:00:00 AM

The House Natural Resources Committee, Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands, led by Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), will hold a legislative hearing on the following bills:
  • H.R. 765 (Heller): To establish the Nellis Dunes National Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Area, and for other purposes. "Nellis Dunes National Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Area Act of 2009"

  • H.R. 1769 (Reichert): To expand the Alpine Lakes Wilderness in the State of Washington, to designate the Middle Fork Snoqualmie River and Pratt River as wild and scenic rivers, and for other purposes. "Alpine Lakes Wilderness Additions and Pratt and Middle Fork Snoqualmie Rivers Protection Act"

  • H.R. 2476 (DeGette): To amend the National Forest Ski Area Permit Act of 1986 to clarify the authority of the Secretary of Agriculture regarding additional recreational uses of National Forest System land that are subject to ski area permits, and for other purposes. "Ski Area Recreational Opportunity Enhancement Act of 2009"

  • H.R. 3388 (Forbes): To modify the boundary of Petersburg National Battlefield in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and for other purposes. "Petersburg National Battlefield Boundary Modification Act"

  • H.R. 3603 (Marshall): To rename the Ocmulgee National Monument.

  • H.R. 3759 (DeFazio): To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to grant economy-related contract extensions of certain timber contracts between the Secretary of the Interior and timber purchasers, and for other purposes. "BLM Contract Extension Act"

  • H.R. 3804 (Tonko): To make technical corrections to various Acts affecting the National Park Service, to extend, amend, or establish certain National Park Service authorities, and for other purposes. "National Park Service Authorities and Corrections Act of 2009"


NOTE: The use of duplications of broadcast coverage of the Committee on Natural Resources is governed by rules of the U.S. House of Representatives. Use for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.

House Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands
Legislative Hearing on H.R. 765, H.R. 1769, H.R. 2476, H.R. 3388, H.R. 3603, H.R. 3759, and H.R. 3804

Thursday, November 5, 2009, at 10:00 a.m.

Room 1334 Longworth House Office Building


Panel 1

Representative Randy Forbes (VA-04) (H.R.3388)
Representative Jim Marshall (GA-08) (H.R. 3603)
Representative David Reichert (WA-08) (H.R.1769)
Representative Dean Heller (NV-02) (H.R. 765)
Representative Jared Polis (CO-02) (H.R. 2476)
Representative Paul Tonko (NY-21) (H.R. 3804)

Panel 2

Katherine H. Stevenson (H.R. 765, H.R. 3388, H.R. 3603, H.R. 3759, H.R. 3804)
Assistant Director
Business Services
National Park Service
United States Department of the Interior

Accompanied by:
Ed Roberson
Assistant Director
Renewable Resources and Planning
Bureau of Land Management

Jim Bedwell (H.R. 2476 & H.R. 1769)
Recreation and Heritage Resources
Forest Service
United States Department of Agriculture

Panel 3

Virginia Valentine (H.R. 765)
County Manager
Clark County, Nevada

Thomas O'Keefe (H.R. 1769)
Pacific Northwest Stewardship Director
American Whitewater
Seattle, WA

Robert Katz (H.R. 2476)
Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO
Vail Resorts
Broomfield, CO

Chip Cherry (H.R. 3603)
President and CEO
Greater Mason Chamber of Commerce
Macon, GA

Valerie Johnson (H.R. 3795)
DR Johnson Lumber Company
West Linn, OR

Opening Statement:
Chairman Raul Grijalva

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