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Event: 'Subcommittee On National Parks, Forests And Public Lands Legislative Hearing On H.R. 2889, H.R. 3339, H.R. 3444, H.R. 3538, And H.R. 3726'

Subcommittee Hearing
Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 At 02:00:00 PM

The House Natural Resources Committee, Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands, led by Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), will hold a legislative hearing on the following bills:
  • H.R. 2889 (DeFazio): To modify the boundary of the Oregon Caves National Monument, and for other purposes. "Oregon Caves National Monument Boundary Adjustment Act of 2009"

  • H.R. 3339 (Heinrich): To reauthorize the Federal Land Transaction Facilitation Act, and for other purposes. "FLTFA Reauthorization Act of 2009"

  • H.R. 3444 (Farr): To establish Pinnacles National Park in the State of California as a unit of the National Park System, and for other purposes. "Pinnacles National Park Act"

  • H.R. 3538 (Simpson): To authorize the continued use of certain water diversions located on National Forest System land in the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness and the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness in the State of Idaho, and for other purposes. "Idaho Wilderness Water Resources Protection Act"

  • H.R. 3726 (Christensen): To establish the Castle Nugent National Historic Site at St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands, and for other purposes. "Castle Nugent National Historic Site Establishment Act of 2009"

NOTE: The use of duplications of broadcast coverage of the Committee on Natural Resources is governed by rules of the U.S. House of Representatives. Use for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.

House Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands
Legislative Hearing on H.R. 2889, H.R. 3339, H.R. 3444, H.R. 3538, and H.R. 3726

Tuesday, November 17, 2009, at 2:00 p.m.

Room 1324 Longworth House Office Building


Panel 1

Representative Sam Farr (CA-17) (H.R. 3444)
Representative Michael K. Simpson (ID-02) (H.R. 3538)

Panel 2

Bob Abbey (H.R. 3339)
Bureau of Land Management

Steven P. Whitesell (H.R. 2889, H.R. 3444, H.R. 3726)
Associate Director
Park Planning, Facilities, and Lands
National Park Service

Lenise Lago (H.R. 2889 & H.R 3538)
Deputy Regional Forester
Pacific Northwest Region
Forest Service

Robin M Nazzaro (H.R. 3339)
Natural Resources and Environment
United States Government Accountability Office

Panel 3

Kent Salazar (H.R. 3339)
Regional Director
National Wildlife Federation

Olasee Davis (H.R. 3726)
Extension Assistant Professor/Extension Specialist Natural Resources
University of the Virgin Islands

Robert Schumacher (H.R. 2889)
Executive Director
Illinois Valley Community Development Organization

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