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Event: 'Subcommittee On National Parks, Forests And Public Lands Legislative Hearing On H.R. 2986, H.R. 3923, H.R. 3967, H.R. 3989, H.R. 4514, H.R. 4514, H.R. 4686, And H.R. 4773'

Subcommittee Hearing
Date: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 At 10:00:00 AM


The House Natural Resources Committee, Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands, led by Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), will hold a legislative hearing on the following bills:

  • H.R. 2986 (Moran): To amend the Act of May 29, 1930 (Chapter 354; 46 Stat. 482; commonly known as the Capper-Cramton Act), to authorize a grant program to preserve resources in the National Capital region, and for other purposes. "National Capital Region Land Conservation Act of 2009"

  • H.R. 3923 (Polis): To provide for the exchange of certain land located in the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests in the State of Colorado, and for other purposes. "Sugar Loaf Fire Protection District Land Exchange Act of 2009"

  • H.R. 3967 (Cummings): To amend the National Great Black Americans Commemoration Act of 2004 to authorize appropriations through fiscal year 2015.

  • H.R. 3989 (Lummis): To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a special resource study to determine the suitability and feasibility of adding the Heart Mountain Relocation Center, in the State of Wyoming, as a unit of the National Park System. "Heart Mountain Relocation Center Study Act of 2009"

  • H.R. 4514 (Clay): To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a special resource study to determine the suitability and feasibility of designating the Colonel Charles Young Home in Xenia, Ohio as a unit of the National Park System, and for other purposes. "Colonel Charles Young Home Study Act"

  • H.R. 4686 (Sablan): To authorize the Secretary of Interior to study the suitability and feasibility of designating prehistoric, historic, and limestone forest sites on Rota, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, as a unit of the National Park System. "Rota Cultural and Natural Resources Study Act"

  • H.R. 4773 (Kingston): To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to lease certain lands within Fort Pulaski National Monument, and for other purposes. "Fort Pulaski National Monument Lease Authorization Act"

NOTE: The use of duplications of broadcast coverage of the Committee on Natural Resources is governed by rules of the U.S. House of Representatives. Use for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.


House Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands
Legislative Hearing on H.R. 2986, H.R. 3923, H.R. 3967, H.R. 3989, H.R. 4514, H.R. 4514, H.R. 4686, and H.R. 4773

Tuesday, April 27, 2010, at 10:00 a.m.

Room 1334 Longworth House Office Building


Panel 1:

Representative Jim Moran (VA-08)
Representative Jack Kingston (GA-01)
Representative Wm. Lacy Clay (MO-01)
Representative Jared Polis (CO-02)

Panel 2:

Katherine Stevenson
Assistant Director
Business Services
National Park Service

Greg Smith
Director of Lands
U.S. Forest Service

Panel 3:

Representative Teresita Santos
17th CNMI Legislature
Chair, Standing Committee on Natural Resources
Saipan, MP

Patrick Noonan
Chairman Emeritus-Conservation Fund
Vice-Chairman-Friends of the John Smith Chesapeake Trail
Arlington, VA

John Winchester
Battalion Chief
Sugar Loaf Fire Department
Boulder, CO

Dr. Joanne Martin
Executive Director
National Blacks in Wax Museum and Justice Learning Center
Baltimore, MD

Eric Muller
Dan K. Moore Distinguished Professor and
Associate Dean for Faculty Development
University of North Carolina School of Law
Chapel Hill, NC

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