Democratic Caucus's Senate Journal

March 13, 2008

Diverse Coalition Representing Millions of Americans Supports the Democratic Budget

Groups representing a range of issues and millions of Americans have joined together to support the Democratic budget that will strengthen our economy and restore funding for critical education, homeland security, infrastructure and renewable energy programs. The Democratic budget will effectively reverse years of Bush Republicans’ fiscal policies that have weakened the economy and put the burden of a looming recession on the backs of middle-class families.  

 Educators and students urge Congress to pass Democratic budget:

American Federation of Teachers Urged Passage of Democratic Budget Strengthening Education. “On behalf of the more than 1.4 million members of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), I urge you to vote YES on the budget resolution for FY 2009, H.Con.Res.312… The budget resolution rejects the inadequate domestic spending proposals by the President, which includes massive cuts in Medicare and Medicaid and the elimination of numerous education programs, and adds more resources to vital domestic priorities.  For example the resolution provides more funding to education and healthcare systems, which are the bedrock of both our economy and our society. To maintain a strong economy and a vibrant society, we must be willing to invest in both.  You can help Congress take an important step in this direction by voting for the proposed budget resolution.” [American Federation of Teachers Letter to Senate Budget Committee, 3/12/08]

National Education Association Urged Support for Democratic Budget Citing CHIP and Education Funding. “On behalf of the National Education Association's (NEA) 3.2 million members, we urge you to support the Chairman’s proposed fiscal year 2009 Senate Budget Resolution, which uses deficit-neutral reserve funds and tax provisions to provide nearly $20 billion more for education than the Administration has requested… The federal budget should reflect our nation’s priorities. Top among those priorities should be ensuring that all children have a quality education, best obtained through additional investments in proven programs such as Title I of the ESEA, IDEA, Pell grants for higher education, and SCHIP.” [National Education Association Letter to the Senate Budget Committee, 3/6/08]     

American Association of University Women Urged Passage of Democratic Budget and Additional Education Funding. “On behalf of over 100,000 bipartisan members of the American Association of University Women (AAUW), we urge you to support the Senate Budget Resolution (S. Con. Res 70). It reflects the values and priorities of the American people by setting a responsible fiscal course and maintaining a commitment to key education programs… For this reason, AAUW supports the passage of the Budget Resolution, which provides an increase for discretionary education and training funding that is $8.8 billion above the President’s request, which is $5.5 billion above the 2008 level adjusted for inflation.” [American Association of University Women Letter to the Senate Budget Committee, 3/11/08]    

Committee for Education Funding Said Additional Education Funding in Budget Proposal Will Spur Economic Growth. “The Committee for Education Funding (CEF), a non-partisan coalition of 100 organizations reflecting the broad spectrum of the education community, recognizes the important increase in Function 500 for education over current service levels provided in S. Con Res 70, the Senate Budget Committee's FY09 Budget Resolution… Increased education investment will more than pay for itself by increasing employability, producing increased earnings and boosting tax revenues while also reducing the incidence of costly social issues such as unemployment, poverty and crime. Given the current uncertainty of our economy as well as the increasingly competitive global marketplace, robust investment for all education programs is essential for the continued well-being and prosperity of our nation.” [Committee for Education Funding Letter to the Senate Budget Committee, 3/10/08]

Democratic budget praised for restoring homeland security and law enforcement funds cut by Bush Republicans:

National Council of State Legislatures Praised Democratic Budget for Prioritizing Homeland Security and Law Enforcement. “The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) supports S. Con. Res. 70 as passed by the Senate Budget Committee for its provisions that continue or expand our collaborative efforts on numerous state-federal programs, that avoid cost shifts to states and that attempt to ameliorate the burdens of unfunded federal mandates on state budgets… NCSL is particularly supportive of language that would allow for delay of the implementation of certain Medicaid regulations, provide additional funding to cover some of our unmet infrastructure needs, prioritize homeland security and law enforcement grant programs that have experienced severe reductions and fix unfortunate changes made to the child support enforcement program two years ago.” [National Conference of State Legislatures Letter to the Senate Budget Committee, 3/11/08]

FIGHT CRIME: INVEST IN KIDS Supported Public Safety Provisions in Dem Budget. “On behalf of the over 3,500 police chiefs, sheriffs, prosecutors and violence survivors of FIGHT CRIME: INVEST IN KIDS, thank you for your support of investments in kids that prevent crime, including Head Start and child care. The law enforcement leaders of FIGHT CRIME: INVEST IN KIDS know from the front lines – and the research – that these investments are critical to our nation’s public safety. We commend you on the strong FY09 budget proposal you moved through the Committee last week and onto the Senate floor this week. Your FY09 budget begins to reflect an increased priority for investments in kids. In particular, we are pleased that your budget has provided a non-defense discretionary funding level that accommodates assumptions for hundreds of millions in increased funding for Head Start and the Child Care and Development Block Grant in FY09.” [FIGHT CRIME: INVEST IN KIDS  Letter to Senate Budget Committee, 3/12/08]

Groups across the country call on Congress to pass Democrats' budget which creates jobs by investing in infrastructure and clean energy:

Transportation Construction Coalition Commended Democratic Budget for Infrastructure Investments. “The 28 national associations and construction unions of the Transportation Construction Coalition strongly support the robust transportation infrastructure investments proposed in the FY 2009 Senate budget resolution, S.Con.Res. 70… To stimulate the economy in the short-term, the budget would provide $3.5 billion for “ready-to-go” transportation infrastructure projects in FY 2008.  Targeting funds for these unique activities would have an immediate impact on job creation and allow individuals to earn a paycheck. We are also pleased the proposed FY 2009 budget would provide critical resources to help alleviate congestion in the nation’s air traffic system.  The measure assumes $3.9 billion for the Airport Improvement Program which would support needed expansion and improvement of airport runway capacity.” [Transportation Construction Coalition Letter to Senate Budget Committee, 3/12/08]

United Auto Workers Support Democratic Budget Because Investments in Clean Energy Will Create Jobs. “The UAW supports the resolution reported by the Senate Budget Committee and urges you to vote for this budget resolution…The UAW is especially pleased that the Budget Committee's resolution provides substantially greater funding for investments in clean energy… These initiatives will help to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and greenhouse gas emissions, while creating tens of thousands of jobs for American workers.” [United Auto Workers Letter to Senate Budget Committee, /10/08]

Environment America Urged Passage of Democratic Budget Because It Invests in Renewable Energy. “Environment America urges you to vote for the FY2009 Budget Resolution when it reaches the floor later today…At a time of skyrocketing energy prices and the looming threat of global warming, the budget resolution’s support of extending clean energy tax incentives is especially important to encourage more energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions that save money and cut pollution.” [Environment America Letter to the Senate Budget Committee, 3/12/08] 

Health care advocates support Democratic budget because it will lower the cost of health care:

Coalition for Health Funding Lauded Democrats’s Budget for Increasing Health Funding. “The Coalition for Health Funding (CHF), whose membership includes 56 national health organizations representing over 40 million health care providers, researchers, patients and families, is highly encouraged that your budget resolution includes nearly $4.5 billion over last year’s level for health discretionary programs, F. 550… Your budget resolution is an important first step in reversing the devastating trend of underfunding discretionary public health… CHF welcomes and supports your budget resolution’s increases for public health and urges Congress to pass it.” [Coalition for Health Funding Letter to the Senate Budget Committee, 3/10/08] 

AARP Supported Dem Budget’s Rejection of Cuts to Medicare, Medicaid. “As lawmakers continue work on the FY2009 budget, AARP issued a statement urging Members of Congress to support the House and Senate budget resolutions and to oppose harmful amendments that would negatively impact older Americans… The budget resolutions in both chambers address the needs of older Americans, and we encourage all members to support them. These bills also reject the deep Medicare and Medicaid cuts proposed by the Administration, while taking steps toward improvements in both programs that will begin to reduce America’s skyrocketing health care bill.” [AARP Press Release, 3/12/08]


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Today in the Senate
December 2, 2010:

The Senate will convene at 9:30 a.m. Following Leader remarks, there will be a period of morning business with Senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each. The Majority will control the first 30 minutes and the Republicans will control the next 30 minutes. 


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