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Event: 'Subcommittee On National Parks, Forests And Public Lands Legislative Hearing On H.R. 2100, H.R. 3425, H.R. 4438, H.R. 4491, And H.R. 4524'

Subcommittee Hearing
Date: Thursday, February 25, 2010 At 10:00:00 AM

The House Natural Resources Committee, Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands, led by Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), will hold a legislative hearing on the following bills:
  • H.R. 2100 (Franks): To provide for the conveyance of certain public land in Mohave Valley, Mohave County, Arizona, administered by the Bureau of Land Management to the Arizona Game and Fish Department, for use as a public shooting range.
  • H.R. 3425 (Norton): To authorize the Fair Housing Commemorative Foundation to establish a commemorative work on Federal land in the District of Columbia to commemorate the enactment of the Fair Housing Act in 1968.
  • H.R. 4438 (Rodriguez): To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to enter into an agreement to lease space from a nonprofit group or other government entity for a park headquarters at San Antonio Missions National Historical Park, to expand the boundary of the Park, to conduct a study of potential land acquisitions, and for other purposes. "San Antonio Missions National Historical Park Leasing and Boundary Expansion Act of 2010"
  • H.R. 4491 (Speier): To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a study of alternatives for commemorating and interpreting the role of the Buffalo Soldiers in the early years of the National Parks, and for other purposes. "Buffalo Soldiers in the National Parks Study Act"
  • H.R. 4524 (Shuler): To authorize funding to protect and conserve lands contiguous with the Blue Ridge Parkway to serve the public, and for other purposes. "Blue Ridge Parkway Protection Act"


NOTE: The use of duplications of broadcast coverage of the Committee on Natural Resources is governed by rules of the U.S. House of Representatives. Use for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.

House Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands
Legislative Hearing on H.R. 2100, H.R. 3425, H.R. 4438, H.R. 4491, and H.R. 4524

Thursday, February 25, 2010, at 10:00 a.m.

Room 1334 Longworth House Office Building


Panel 1:

Representative Eleanor Holmes Horton (DC) (H.R. 3425)
Representative Ciro D. Rodriguez (TX-23) (H.R. 4438)
Representative Trent Franks (AZ-02) (H.R. 2100)
Representative Health Shuler (NC-11) (H.R. 4524)
Representative Jackie Speier (CA-12) (H.R. 4491)

Panel 2:

Stephen E. Whitesell (H.R. 2100, H.R. 3425, H.R.4438, H.R. 4491, H.R. 4524)
Associate Director
Park Planning, Facilities, and Lands
National Park Service

Accompanied by: Ed Roberson
Assistant Director
Renewable Recourses and Planning
Bureau of Land Management

Panel 3: (H.R. 2100)

Loretta Jackson-Kelly
Director of Department of Cultural Resources
Tribal Preservation Officer
Hualapai Tribe Peach Springs, AZ

Linda Otero
Director of Aha Makav Cultural Society
Tribal Council Member
Needles, CA

Robert Woodhouse
Vice-Chairman Arizona Game and Fish Commission
Phoenix, AZ

Panel 4:

Brenda Small (H.R. 3425)
Prudential Carruthers Realtors
Washington, DC

Susan Chandoha (H.R. 4438)
Executive Director
Los Compadres de San Antonio Missions
San Antonio, TX

Geneva Brett (H.R. 4491)
Vice President
Los Banos Buffalo Soldiers Association
Los Banos, CA

Reid Wilson (H.R. 4524)
Executive Director
Conservation Trust for North Carolina
Raleigh, NC

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