Volunteering in Houston, TX

Statistics for this area were collected within the Houston Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). Major cities in this MSA include Houston, TX; Baytown, TX; and Sugar Land, TX


The bullets below are all based on an average using 2007 to 2009 data

  • 935,200 volunteers
  • 23.8% of residents volunteer - ranking them 40th within the 51 large cities
  • 32.7 hours per resident - ranking them 28th within the 51 large cities
  • $2.7 billion of service contributed
  • To see more information about the community factors that may influence Houston's volunteer rate, click here

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Greater Attachment to the Community Encourages Volunteering
Indicators such as homeownership and the number of multiunit dwellings, help determine whether residents have a long-term commitment and attachment to their communities. Data show that as the rate of homeownership increases the volunteer rate also tends to increase. Nationally, 66.6% of individuals own their home. In Houston, 63.4% own their home. Conversely, communities with a large percentage of multi-unit housing, such as apartment buildings and condominiums, have lower volunteer rates. Nationally, 32.4% of individuals live in multi-unit housing, while Houston has a rate of 34.0%.
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The Resource Center

National Service

National service refers to the Corporation's National Service programs: Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, Learn and Serve America, and other programs and initiatives. Participants in these programs address community needs such as education, the environment, public safety and disaster relief.


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