
Donald Sanders in Vietnam

Donald Sanders

As a Vietnam veteran, Donald wanted to give back and was determined to overcome a 12 year old felony charge and find a place that would accept his help.

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Carter and Olivia, Founders of OMG

Carter & Olivia Ries

Two children under 10 years old like Carter and Olivia CAN make a difference - and start their own nonprofit to preserve endangered species.

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Target Reads

Target Gives 5% of Its Income to Support Communities

They’re giving $500 million by the end of 2015 to support education and to help kids learn to read. You can help by pledging time to read with a child.

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Easy data entry for nonprofits

More Social Impact, Less Data Entry

Nonprofits: having trouble keeping your VolunteerMatch listings updated on your own Web site? Find out how GlobalGiving.org, a resource for people who want to make a difference, uses our Syndication Tool to keep dozens of listings fresh.

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Free Trainings for Volunteer Coordinators

Manage volunteers? Whether you're new to the role or just new to VolunteerMatch, our free online trainings can help you transform your organization's volunteer program for the better.

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