United States Senator Jay Rockefeller for West Virginia
Offices : BeckleyCharlestonFairmontMartinsburgWashington, DC E-mail Senator Rockefeller
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Senator Rockefeller understands that jobs keep families healthy, make communities strong and give hard-working West Virginians a chance to earn a piece of the American dream. Since he entered public service, Rockefeller has made jobs and economic development a centerpiece of his career.

Senator Rockefeller's entrepreneurial approach to economic development is multi-faceted. He has brought dozens of new employers to West Virginia from around the world, while maintaining a focus on saving jobs in traditional West Virginia industries like steel, mining and chemical manufacturing. It's a dynamic, comprehensive approach that brings investors, communities and local leaders together to create growth and opportunities in the Mountain State.

Attracting new investment, retaining and expanding existing industries, and supporting innovative ideas are three key areas of Senator Rockefeller's work to improve West Virginia's economic landscape. He has devoted himself to creating a diverse business climate by formulating a comprehensive economic development strategy, taking calculated risks, and envisioning a West Virginia where companies like Toyota will invest over one billion dollars and create quality, good-paying jobs.

As part of his economic development strategy, Rockefeller created several organizations to address specific needs and challenges, including the Discover the Real West Virginia Foundation (DRWV), a non-profit organization formally established in 1993 that works to develop and showcase new ideas and strives to attract new jobs to diversify West Virginia's economy.

Through the DRWV, Rockefeller has hosted numerous trade missions to West Virginia in an effort to attract companies and firms from other states, Europe, and Asia. He has brought in companies from a variety of fields, including automotive supply, national security, defense, chemical, biotechnology, wood products, education and research, teleservices and aerospace.

These trade missions have resulted in millions of dollars in contracts for West Virginia companies seeking to export, and close to $2 billion in investments in West Virginia from Japanese companies alone.

In addition to cultivating opportunities with new outside companies, Senator Rockefeller is also very active in preserving the jobs within West Virginia's traditional industries. Rockefeller believes West Virginia's manufacturing industries are a driving force behind the state's economy. He has fought to keep the state's core industries strong, has supported their workers, and has led the effort to make these industries well known to outside companies and investors.

For all of these jobs, Senator Rockefeller believes that West Virginians deserve an honest day's wage for an honest day's work. That's why he's supported increases to the federal minimum wage and worked hard to pass the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 - which provided the first increase in the federal minimum wage in a decade from $5.15 to $7.25.

Jobs for West Virginians

Organizing groups of business prospects for trade missions, meeting with potential investors and decision makers, reaching out to existing industry, and supporting innovative ideas are all important components of Senator Rockefeller's efforts to create new jobs in West Virginia. More...

Toyota: Setting the Standard of Success

In an effort to diversify West Virginia's economy and bring new high-paying jobs to the state, Senator Rockefeller first met with Toyota officials in 1986 to convince them to build a major automotive plant in West Virginia.More...

Promoting & Protecting Trade

Senator Rockefeller has consistently fought for fair trade laws that would level the playing field for West Virginia, and crack down on unfair foreign trade practices .More...

Tax Cuts

Senator Rockefeller has a strong track record as a champion for West Virginia's working families and small businesses. He has opposed any policy to provide excessive tax cuts to the richest Americans, and has voted time and again to keep taxes low for working families and small businesses in West Virginia.More...

Business Incentives and Tax Relief

Along with tax relief for families, Senator Rockefeller has worked to provide small business owners with tax breaks that will allow them to grow their company, invest in new equipment, hire more workers, and invest in better benefits. More...

Promoting Venture Capital

Senator Rockefeller believes that entrepreneurs need venture capital -- the cash to rent facilities, buy technology and hire staff. He also believes they need a support network that provides critical opportunities for peer learning, linkages to others who are starting and growing new businesses, and the local expertise about how to succeed. More...

The Need for Broadband Investment

As "broadband" or high speed Internet expands, Senator Rockefeller believes so do our possibilities. High-speed Internet is now essential for our health care system, our educational opportunities, and our economy. More...