
Energy4The renewable and alternative energy sectors are some of the fastest-growing industries in the country, and can play an integral role in reducing our dependence on foreign oil, creating jobs and growing our economy. Arkansas is well-positioned to be a leader in the new energy industry, and I believe we could benefit from strong investment in alternative energy initiatives. In addition to our rich natural gas resources, we can further develop biodiesel sources to use rice, soybeans, and even poultry waste to grow our own energy.

Arkansans have been very vocal about potential climate change legislation. There are many unknowns about the effectiveness and ramifications of a cap and trade system, but there are also consequences if we do nothing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. My support for energy legislation hinges on several factors. It must contain costs and prevent harm to the U.S. economy, invest aggressively in new technologies and their deployment, treat states equitably, protect U.S manufacturing jobs, fully recognize agriculture and forestry’s role, and ensure other developing nations are active participants in reducing emissions.

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