Nevada's Congressional District Three

Titus Highlights New Patient’s Bill of Rights Set to Take Effect Tomorrow

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Dina Titus of Nevada’s Third District highlighted important provisions of the Patient’s Bill of Rights which is set to take effect tomorrow, Thursday, September 23, 2010.  The Patient’s Bill of Rights is comprised of a number of key components of the health care reform legislation signed into law six months ago.

“The implementation of the Patient’s Bill of Rights is a huge step toward putting people in charge of their health care decisions, not insurance company CEO’s whose sole focus is on the bottom line,” Congresswoman Titus said.  “No longer will children be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition, nor will insurance companies be allowed to drop coverage when someone needs it most.  By banning the most egregious insurance company tactics that put profits over people, we are making health care more accessible and more affordable.”

The Patient’s Bill of Rights, which goes into effect for health plan years beginning on or after September 23, 2010, will stop the worst insurance company abuses by implementing the following protections:

• Health coverage cannot be arbitrarily cancelled if you become sick
• Children cannot be denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition
• Children up to age 26 can stay on your health plan
• No lifetime limits on health coverage
• Annual limits are phased out over three years
• Key preventive services will be available without a deductible or co-pay
• Patients have a right to choose their own doctor
• Options are improved for appealing insurance companies’ decisions
• Restrictions on emergency room care are ended

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Tags: health care