Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs

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The National Security Personnel System and Performance Management in the Federal Government

Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
02:30 PM - 05:00 PM
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room SD-342

[view archive webcast]

Member Statements


Panel 1

  • Mr. John H. James, Jr. [view testimony]
    Director, National Security Personnel Transition Office
    U.S. Department of Defense
  • Mr. Chuck Grimes [view testimony]
    Deputy Associate Director, Employee Services
    U.S. Office of Personnel Management

Panel 2

  • Mr. Gregory J. Junemann [view testimony]
    International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers
  • Ms. Patricia Niehaus [view testimony]
    National President
    Federal Managers Association
  • Ms. Patricia Viers [view testimony]
    President, Local 1148 (Columbus)
    American Federation of Government Employees

June 2010 Hearings

June 2010

30th Interagency Contracts (Part II): Management and Oversight
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room SD-342
2:30 PM
30th Nuclear Terrorism: Strengthening Our Domestic Defenses, Part I
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room SD-342
10:00 AM
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room SD-342
2:30 PM
23rd Having Their Say: Customer and Employee Views on the Future of the U.S. Postal Service
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room SDG-50
2:30 PM
17th Nomination of John S. Pistole to be an Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room SD-342
3:00 PM
16th The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill: Ensuring a Financially Responsible Recovery
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room SD-342
3:00 PM
15th Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset: Comprehensive Legislation for the 21st Century
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room SD-342
3:00 PM
10th Nomination of Dennis J. Toner to be a Governor, U.S. Postal Service
2:30 PM
10th Deep Impact: Assessing the Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on States, Localities and the Private Sector
10:00 AM
09th The National Security Personnel System and Performance Management in the Federal Government
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room SD-342
2:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Hearings Calendar

Dec 2010
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