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Contact: Christina Weaver 202.225.3816

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Holds a Local-Federal Hearing on the Growing Nationwide and Local Epidemic of Bullying to Call for Passage of a Federal Anti-Bullying Statute Along with a Local Response

Washington, Oct 14 -


Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Holds a Local-Federal Hearing on the Growing Nationwide and Local Epidemic of Bullying to Call for Passage of a Federal Anti-Bullying Statute Along with a Local Response

“The problem of bullying has been a persistent issue for years but has now become a national crisis. Newspaper headlines and news broadcasts across our Nation have been flooded with chilling stories about victims of bullying. This local-federal hearing will be an opportunity to hear from Houstonians in order to help establish national solutions.”

WHO:                           The Honorable Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee
                                        Council Member Al Hoang, Houston City Council
                                        Parents of victims of bullying
                                        Additional Local, State and Federal Representatives
                                        Representatives from Houston School Districts
                                        Representatives from Local Law Enforcement
                                        Experts on Children, Education, Mental Health, and Social Services

WHAT:                       A Local-Federal hearing on Bullying where local, state, and federal officials can come together with schools, law enforcement, experts on bullying, parents and students to facilitate an important hearing about bullying and come up with solutions to address this growing national crisis. Witnesses will provide testimony on the impact of bullying while calling for help.

WHEN:                         Monday, October 18, 2010; 4:00 – 7:00pm
WHERE:                         Houston City Hall, Council Chamber, Second Floor
                                        900 Bagby Street, Houston, TX
                                        Parking Behind the City Hall Annex

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