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11/29/10 Fighting Back Against Unfair Foreclosures  »
11/25/10 A Message of Giving Thanks and Goodwill  »
11/11/10 Veterans Day Update: November 11, 2010  »
10/18/10 Encouraging U.S. Companies to Hire U.S. Workers  »
09/27/10 Saving Ohio Communities, Strengthening Ohio’s Infrastructure  »
09/20/10 Creating Trade Policies that Create Ohio Jobs  »
09/10/10 Ushering in a New Era in Ohio Manufacturing  »
09/03/10 Celebrating American Workers on Labor Day  »
08/30/10 Strengthening Ohio’s Rural Communities  »
08/23/10 Celebrating the 90th Anniversary of a Woman’s Right to Vote  »
08/17/10 Raising Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids  »
08/11/10 Revitalizing Our Downtowns  »
08/03/10 Promoting Homegrown Clean Energy  »
07/22/10 Railroad Investment Means Jobs in Ohio  »
07/04/10 Celebrating Our Nation’s Independence  »
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