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December 1, 2010

DeMint: FCC Move to Regulate the Internet Unjustified & Unwise

Says Republicans should make passage of the ‘FCC Act’ a top priority in 2011

Today, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina), chairman of the Senate Steering Committee and member of the Senate Commerce Committee, criticized the Federal Communications Commission’s decision to place an “Open Internet” order on the agenda for the Commission’s December meeting and promised to fight for passage of the Freedom for Consumer Choice Act (FCC Act) in 112th Congress.  

“The FCC stubbornly continues to seek a path that has been opposed by Congress, denied in court, and that runs completely contrary to established market principles,” said Senator DeMint.  “Not only is there a conspicuous lack of evidence that government micromanagement of the internet is necessary, this approach jeopardizes years of exponential growth in choices available to consumers and hundreds of thousands of jobs provided by continued investment in the telecommunications sector.”

“The most pressing threat to openness and innovation on the internet lies not in Chairman Genachowski’s imagined harms, but in the FCC’s very real attempts to over-regulate one of our economy’s most dynamic and successful industries.  Since the FCC continues to prove it lacks the restraint and wisdom to operate sensibly on this issue, I will work with my Republican colleagues in the House and Senate to make passage of the FCC Act a top priority in the next session of Congress. The FCC Act is necessary to reform the FCC’s out-of-control use of their rulemaking power by limiting its authority to action where there are clear cases of competitive market failure that result in proven harm to consumers.”



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