Floor Statements

05/05/10 Senator Gregg's Floor Remarks on Corporate Governance and Regulatory Reform
05/04/10 Senator Gregg's Floor Remarks on Lincoln Derivatives Provision and Regulatory Reform
04/27/10 Senator Gregg's Floor Remarks on Financial Regulatory Reform and Shortcomings of the Dodd Bill
04/26/10 Senator Gregg's Floor Remarks on Financial Regulatory Reform and Derivatives
04/21/10 Senator Gregg’s Opening Remarks at the Budget Committee Mark-Up of the Chairman’s Proposed Fiscal Year 2011 Budget Resolution
04/20/10 Senator Gregg’s Senate Floor Remarks on Financial Regulatory Reform
04/13/10 Senator Gregg’s Senate Floor Remarks on Financial Regulatory Reform
03/23/10 Senator Gregg’s Senate Floor Remarks on the Senate Reconciliation Bill and the Gregg Amendment to Use Medicare Savings to Save Medicare
03/17/10 Senator Gregg’s Senate Floor Remarks on the Tax and Highway Extension Bill
03/11/10 Senator Gregg’s Senate Floor Remarks on U.S. and Sovereign Debt
03/04/10 Senator Gregg’s Senate Floor Remarks on the Democrats’ Health Care Bill and Reconciliation
02/24/10 Senator Gregg’s Senate Floor Remarks on the Pay-Go Point of Order Against the Reid Tax and Highway Extension Bill
01/28/10 Senator Gregg's Floor Remarks on the Confirmation of Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke
01/26/10 Senator Gregg’s Floor Remarks on the Conrad-Gregg Amendment to the Debt Limit Bill
01/25/10 Senator Gregg’s Floor Remarks on the Conrad-Gregg Amendment to the Debt Limit Bill

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