House Energy and Commerce Committee Republicans

Featured Story

U.S. Rep. Joe Barton, ranking member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, has released an implementation timeline on ObamaCare. Click here for a copy.


Drilling Down on America’s Energy Future: Safety, Security and Clean Energy

June 15, 2010

 The Subcommittee on Energy and Environment held a hearing entitled “Drilling Down on America’s Energy Future:  Safety, Security, and Clean Energy” on Tuesday, June 15, 2010, in 2123 Rayburn House Office Building. The top executives of the five largest oil companies will address the safety of drilling operations in light of the spill in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as other concerns regarding the role of oil in the U.S. economy.

Witness Testimonies

Mr. Rex Tillerson
Mr. John Watson
Mr. James Mulva
Mr. Lamar McKay
Mr. Marvin Odum

U.S. Representative Joe Barton

U.S. Representative Joe L. Barton
Joe Barton was first elected to congress by the people of Texas' Sixth Congressional District in 1984. In 2004, he was selected by his House colleagues to be the chairman of the Committee on Energy and Commerce...
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