For Immediate Release: 
December 2, 2010

Katie Grant, 202-225-3130

Hoyer Statement on House Passage of Middle Class Tax Cuts Bill

WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement after the House passed a bill to extend middle class tax cuts:

“I am very pleased the House has passed this bill, which is needed to prevent a tax increase on middle class families. If we fail to resolve this issue, starting on New Year’s Day families across America will see their taxes go up. That won’t just mean less money in Americans’ paychecks—it will reduce spending, which will harm job-creation and our entire economic recovery. This bill prevents a tax increase on our middle class and will help create jobs.

"Americans are also rightly concerned about the mounting debt facing our nation. However, Republicans appear to be ignoring that concern, and instead are fighting to hold the middle class hostage so they can add $700 billion to the deficit in tax cuts for the wealthy.

"No one wants to see taxes increase for middle class families, and that is why we took action today on issues where we do have common ground. We should not hold middle class tax cuts hostage because we do not agree on other issues. Negotiations are continuing and I hope we can resolve this important issue soon."
