Press Releases: 2010

November 30, 2010
“Tomorrow, the House will take up the Help HAITI Act. This important legislation will help Haitian orphans become permanent residents of the United States in the wake of the tragic earthquake earlier this year..
November 30, 2010
Today, 17 years after Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was signed into law, the Department of Defense has released a comprehensive report reviewing the issues associated with implementing repeal and making recommendations for a smooth transition to open service. After receiving the views of more than 115,000 service members, consulting with tens of thousands of military spouses, listening to troops at 51 bases and installations around the world, and consulting with many other stakeholders, the report’s conclusion is unambiguous: "The risk of repeal to overall military effectiveness is low."
November 30, 2010
Today, the House has an opportunity to bring an end to two historic injustices. We can do so by approving the settlements in the Pigford and Cobell class-action lawsuits, helping to make amends to African American farmers and more than 300,000 Native Americans.
November 29, 2010
I am pleased that today the House passed a one-month extension of the current Medicare physician payment rates and will now send the bill to the President’s desk for his signature.
November 29, 2010
Millions of Americans are out of work, and many are tightening their belts; Federal employees must be no different. While I appreciate that the President reduced the length of his proposed pay freeze from three to two years, it would have produced significantly more savings had that sacrifice been shared between Federal civilian and military personnel--with a strong exception for the members of our military and civilian employees risking their lives on our behalf in Afghanistan, Iraq, and anywhere else they are serving in harm's way. It would have also added an element of fairness: there has been parity between civilian and military pay raises for 22 of the past 28 years in which raises were authorized, and hundreds of thousands of Federal civilian employees work alongside military employees in the Department of Defense and other agencies. In fact, the first American casualty in Afghanistan was a CIA agent--a federal civilian employee.
November 22, 2010
Today’s action represents a significant step forward in our work to ensure that Americans’ receive better value for their health insurance dollar.  Insurance companies must spend a minimum of 80 cents of each premium dollar on quality care or issue a rebate to their consumers, increasing the value of health insurance and making the insurance marketplace more transparent and consumer-friendly.
November 19, 2010
I am pleased that the Senate passed legislation today that would provide funding for settlement of both the Pigford and Cobell class action lawsuits – an important step toward finally correcting these blights on our Nation’s history...
November 18, 2010
Tonight, the Senate passed a one month extension of the current Medicare physician payment rates. It is my intention to schedule this bill for consideration when the House reconvenes on November 29th, so we can send it to the President's desk prior to the November 30th expiration date of current SGR relief.
November 18, 2010
The House will vote on an extension of middle class tax cuts before they expire. Democrats are firmly committed to continuing tax cuts for middle class families on income up to $250,000. We cannot afford to add $700 billion to the deficit to benefit the wealthiest Americans with almost no economic benefit as Republicans want to do.  
November 18, 2010
Today, Republicans blocked an extension of unemployment insurance for thousands of families who have lost jobs through no fault of their own. As a result, they can expect their insurance to begin to run out just after Thanksgiving weekend. Republicans’ opposition to this bill was bad for families across their own districts, and worse for our economy as a whole.
November 13, 2010
Since the election last week, I have made clear my belief that it was important for my friend Jim Clyburn to continue serving our Caucus as the third ranking Member of our Leadership.  It is my hope that happens when elections are held on Wednesday. 
November 10, 2010
Tomorrow, on Veterans Day, we honor and thank the generations of men and women whose sacrifices have made our freedom possible. We celebrate those veterans fortunate enough to return home to their families and neighbors—and we gratefully remember all those who cannot be with us, whether they are standing guard around the world, or whether they lost their lives in our nation’s service...
November 8, 2010
Over the past several days, I have talked to most of my Democratic colleagues in the House. I have received support from across the breadth of our Caucus to remain in the second ranking position of our Democratic leadership team. In order to defend and build on our Democratic accomplishments, unify our Caucus, and immediately begin the hard work of winning back the majority, I will be running for Democratic Whip.
November 5, 2010
Speaker Pelosi has announced that she will be running for Democratic Leader in the next Congress. In the days since the election, I have received an outpouring of support from Democratic colleagues who have told me that I should remain in our party’s leadership, so that our Caucus can hit the ground running with a strong, tested leadership team.
October 28, 2010
House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer released the following statement today in recognition of President Obama signing the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act into law one year ago:
October 15, 2010
House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk announced that the U.S. is investigating China for its policies and practices affecting trade and investment in clean energy technologies in response to a petition filed by the United Steelworkers:
October 12, 2010
“Today's ruling is another step toward equality for gays and lesbians in the military who serve our nation with great honor.  The ‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell’ policy has already caused the dismissal of 13,500 servicemen and women, many with important skills and experiences that are needed to keep our military strong and our country safe..
October 8, 2010
“Today’s employment report shows that our private sector added 64,000 jobs last month and that our private sector has grown every month of this year.  The fact remains that far too many Americans are out of work...
October 8, 2010
“I want to thank General Jones for his service to his country as National Security Advisor.  General Jones is a good friend who I have known and respected for years...
October 8, 2010
“Today, Minority Leader John Boehner demonstrated to the American people that Republicans have no new ideas, and instead would return to the exact same failed economic policies of the past...
October 8, 2010
“The promise of the Americans with Disabilities Act was to open the doors of opportunity in a country that prides itself on being the land of opportunity. Twenty years after the passage of the ADA, major advancements in technology now provide opportunities for greater accessibility – and pose new challenges - for individuals with hearing or visual impairments...
October 7, 2010
"Today President Obama signed into law the Intelligence Authorization Act, the first one to become law in six years.  This law will strengthen our national security, and its enactment today demonstrates Democrats' unyielding commitment to keeping our nation safe...
October 5, 2010
Today's sentencing sends a strong and unequivocal message to terrorists that they will be held accountable for their actions, and that they will not win.
October 1, 2010
Today, President Obama announced the departure of his Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel. It was my pleasure to work with Rahm in the House leadership and during his time at the White House—and I've seen first-hand his love of public service, his tremendous work ethic, and his dedication to the Democratic Party.
September 30, 2010
I am pleased the House passed the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010; it now goes to President Obama to become law. The passage of this legislation—the first Intelligence Authorization bill to be passed since 2004—is a major step to strengthen our national security. The bill continues policies that are working to help keep America safe from terrorist attack. It also strengthens oversight of our intelligence community. While this community deserves the support of Congress, it also requires direction from Congress, and this bill provides it.