Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs

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"2010 Census: A Status Update of Key Decennial Operations"

Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
03:00 PM - 05:30 PM
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room SD-342

[view archive webcast]

Member Statements


Panel 1

  • The Honorable Robert M. Groves [view testimony]
    Director, U.S. Census Bureau
    U.S. Department of Commerce
  • Todd Zinser [view testimony]
    Inspector General
    U.S. Department of Commerce
  • Robert Goldenkoff [view testimony]
    Director, Strategic Issues
    U.S. Government Accountability Office

October 2009 Hearings

October 2009

29th “More Security, Less Waste: What Makes Sense for our Federal Cyber Defense”
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room SD-342
2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
28th Achieving the President's Objectives: New OMB Guidance to Combat Waste, Inefficiency, and Misuse in Federal Government Contracting
2:30 PM
28th BUSINESS MEETING (continued on November 4)
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room SD-342
10:00 AM
22nd Presidential Advice and Senate Consent: The Past, Present, and Future of Policy Czars
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room SD-342
10:00 AM
21st H1N1 Flu: Monitoring the Nation's Response
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room SD-342
9:30 AM
20th Nominations of Susan Grundmann to be Chairman and Anne Wagner to be Member, Merit Systems Protection Board
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room SD-342
2:30 PM
15th Domestic Partner Benefits: Fair Policy and Good Business for the Federal Government
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room SD-342
10:00 AM
14th Sticker Shock: What's the True Cost of Federal Long-Term Care Insurance?
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room SD-342
2:30 PM
07th "2010 Census: A Status Update of Key Decennial Operations"
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room SD-342
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
01st Nomination of David S. Ferriero to be Archivist of the United States, National Archives and Records Administration
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room SD-342
2:30 PM

Hearings Calendar

Dec 2010
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