Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs

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Prosecuting Iraqi War Crimes; A Consideration of the Different Forum Options

Thursday, April 10, 2003
11:00 AM


Panel 1

  • The Honorable Pierre-Richard Prosper [view testimony]
    Ambassador-at-Large for War Crimes Issues
    United States Department of State
  • W. Hays Parks [view testimony]
    Special Assistant
    Judge Advocate General of the Army for Law of War Matters

Panel 2

  • The Honorable David J. Scheffer [view testimony]
    Senior Vice President
    United Nations Association of the United States of America
  • Tom Malinowski [view testimony]
    Washington Advocacy Director
    Human Rights Watch
  • Professor Ruth Wedgwood [view testimony]
    U.S. Member
    United Nations Human Rights Committee

April 2003 Hearings

April 2003

28th General Counsel
12:00 AM
10th Prosecuting Iraqi War Crimes; A Consideration of the Different Forum Options
11:00 AM
10th Nomination of Peter Eide to be General Counsel of the Federal Labor Relations Authority
9:30 AM
10th Assistant Secretary
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
09th Investing in Homeland Security, Challenges on the Front Line
9:30 AM
08th The Human Capital Challenge: Offering Solutions and Delivering Results
9:30 AM
02nd Nominations
10:00 AM

Hearings Calendar

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