Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs

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*Field Hearing* The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Making the Economic Stimulus Work for Connecticut

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
10:00 AM


The Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs will hold a field hearing titled “The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Making the Economic Stimulus Work for Connecticut” at the Learning Corridor; Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts; Theater of the Performing Arts; 359 Washington Street; Hartford, Connecticut.

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Member Statements


Panel 1

  • The Honorable Robert L. Genuario [view testimony]
    Office of Policy and Management, State of Connecticut
  • John P. Yrchik, Ph.D. [view testimony]
    Executive Director
    Connecticut Education Association
  • Stephen A. Frayne [view testimony]
    Senior Vice President, Health Policy
    Connecticut Hospital Association
  • Sharon D. Langer [view testimony]
    Senior Policy Fellow
    Connecticut Voices for Children

April 2009 Hearings

April 2009

30th National Security Reform: Implementing a National Security Service Workforce
2:30 PM
30th Nominations
10:00 AM
29th The Federal Government's Role in Empowering Americans to Make Informed Financial Decisions
2:30 PM
29th Swine Flu: Coordinating the Federal Response
10:00 AM
28th Government 2.0: Advancing America into the 21st Century and a Digital Future
2:30 PM
28th Cyber Security: Developing a National Strategy
10:00 AM
27th Business Meeting
5:30 PM
23rd Follow the Money: State and Local Oversight of Stimulus Funding
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room SD-342
9:00 AM
22nd Eliminating Waste and Fraud in Medicare and Medicaid
3:00 PM
22nd Nominations
10:00 AM
21st Improving the Ability of Inspectors General to Detect, Prevent, and Prosecute Contracting Fraud
2:30 PM
21st Counternarcotics Enforcement: Coordination at the Federal, State, and Local Level
10:30 AM
20th *Field Hearing* Southern Border Violence: State and Local Perspectives
Phoenix City Council Chambers; 200 West Jefferson Street; Phoenix, Arizona
9:00 AM
07th *Field Hearing* The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Making the Economic Stimulus Work for Connecticut
10:00 AM
02nd Recovery and Reinvestment Spending: Implementing a Bold Oversight Strategy
Dirksen Senate Office Building, room SD-342
10:00 AM
01st Business Meeting
2:30 PM

Hearings Calendar

Dec 2010
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