For Immediate Release: 
December 2, 2010

Katie Grant, 202-225-3130

Hoyer Announces Matheson Joining Democratic Whip Team for 112th Congress

WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement regarding the Democratic Whip team for the 112th Congress:

“I am pleased to announce that Rep. Jim Matheson will join the Democratic Whip team in the next Congress. He will join the current Whip team that is staying in place. Rep. John Lewis will serve as our Senior Chief Deputy Whip, and our Chief Deputy Whips will continue to serve our caucus: Rep. G.K. Butterfield, Rep. Joe Crowley, Rep. Diana DeGette, Rep. Ed Pastor, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and Rep. Maxine Waters.

“This Whip team has done a remarkable job keeping Democrats unified on the numerous challenges this Congress has addressed. Jim Matheson will be a tremendous addition to my team, bringing a moderate voice to the table. His perspective reflects what we heard from Americans last month, when they clearly called for us to work to find common ground to move our country forward.”

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