For Immediate Release: 
December 3, 2010

Katie Grant, 202-225-3130

Hoyer Statement on Bipartisan Fiscal Commission Vote

WASHINGTON, DC - Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after the president's bipartisan fiscal commission voted on the commission’s final recommendations:

“I am encouraged by the fact that a bipartisan majority – nearly two-thirds – of the president’s bipartisan fiscal commission supported the report put forward. Though the commission has ended its work, our national conversation about returning America to fiscal balance has been energized by the commission’s efforts and I expect that conversation to proceed. A bipartisan consensus is forming around a balanced approach to deficit reduction that makes hard choices on both the revenue and spending sides—an approach that includes putting our entitlements on more stable footing; responsible spending cuts that take all parts of our budget into account, both non-defense discretionary and defense; and fair tax simplification that also raises revenue.

“While the report did not receive the 14 out of 18 votes required to send the plan to Congress, it is my hope that the next Congress will continue the work started by the commission and seek common ground on reducing the deficit, while ensuring fairness to the middle class and focusing on the pressing need of job creation. I congratulate the commission’s co-chairs, Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson, for the work they’ve done and their efforts to reach consensus on this critical challenge facing our nation.”
