United States Senator Jay Rockefeller for West Virginia
Offices : BeckleyCharlestonFairmontMartinsburgWashington, DC E-mail Senator Rockefeller
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Promoting Venture Capital

Senator Rockefeller believes that entrepreneurs need venture capital -- the cash to rent facilities, buy technology and hire staff. He also believes they need a support network that provides critical opportunities for peer learning, linkages to others who are starting and growing new businesses, and the local expertise about how to succeed.

To realize this, Rockefeller has worked with many business leaders over the years to determine what it would take to revitalize West Virginia's economy, and how to create an economic revolution that would promote growth and innovation. In 2002, Senator Rockefeller announced the creation of the West Virginia Venture Connection, which combines venture capital with opportunities in emerging technology, giving West Virginia greater participation in the global economy.