View LIVE Committee Hearings      

Riding the Rails:  How Secure Is Our Passenger and Transit Infrastructure?

Thursday, December 13, 2001
9:00 a.m.  342  Dirksen Building

Witness List & Testimony

Press Release

Full Committee

Chairman Lieberman's Statement

The Local Role in Homeland Security

Chairman Lieberman's Statement

Tuesday, December 11, 2001
 9:00 a.m.   342 Dirksen Building

Witness List & Testimony

Press Release

Full Committee

Senator Thompson's Statement

Senator Collins' Statement

Weak Links: Assessing the Vulnerability of U.S. Ports and Whether the Government is Adequately Structured to Safeguard Them

Thursday, December 6, 2001
9:00am  342  Dirksen Building

Witness List & Testimony

Full Committee  Chairman Lieberman's Statement  
Combating Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction(WMD) with Non-Proliferation Programs: Non-Proliferation Assistance Coordination Act of 2001 (Part II)

Witness List & Testimony

Thursday, November 29, 2001
9:30 a.m. 342 Dirksen Building

Senator Akaka's Opening Statement

Senator Akaka's Closing Statement

The Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Services


"Oversight of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: Medicare Payment Policies for Ambulance Services."

Thursday, November 15, 2001
9:15 a.m.  342 Dirksen Building.

Witness List & Testimony

Chairman Lieberman's Statement

Full Committee on Governmental Affairs
Combating Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) with Non-Proliferation Programs: Non-Proliferation Assistance Coordination Act of 2001.

Witness List & Testimony

Wednesday, November 14, 2001,
 2:30 p.m.   342  Dirksen Building.

Senator Akaka's Opening Statement

Senator Akaka's Closing Statement

 The Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Services

"Has Airline Security Improved?" Chairmen Liebermen's Statement

Wednesday, November 14, 2001
10:30 a.m.    342 Dirksen Building

Press Release

Witness List & Testimony

Full Committeee and Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia. Senator Thompson's Statement
Business Meeting

Wednesday, November 14, 2001
9:15 a.m.   342  Dirksen Building.

Agenda & Action Taken

Press Release

Full Committee on Governmental Affairs
Review of INS Policy on Releasing Illegal Aliens Pending Deportation Hearing

Tuesday, November 13, 2001
 9:30 a.m.  342  Dirksen Building.

Chairman Levin's Statement

Witness List & Testimony

The Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations 

Hearing Background

Senator Collins' Statement

 Current and Future Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Proliferation Threats
Wednesday, November 7, 2001
2:30 p.m.   342 Dirksen Building.

Witness List & Testimony

Senator Akaka's
Closing Statement

The Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Services
The nomination of Odessa F. Vincent to be an Associate Judge of the District of Columbia Superior Court.

Tuesday, November 6, 2001
2:30pm   342 Dirksen  Building.

Witness List & Testimony

Full Committee (Senator Durbin will chair this hearing.)  

Business Meeting:  The nomination of Mark W. Everson to be Controller, Office of Federal Financial Management, Office of Management and Budget

Monday, November 5, 2001 immediately following the 6:00pm vote
S-211, the LBJ Room. 


Action Taken

 The Committee on Governmental Affairs 


"Terrorism Through the Mail:  Protecting Postal Workers and the Public."
(Part II)

Wednesday, October 31, 2001
9:30 a.m.  342 Dirksen Building

Witness List & Testimony

Press Release

Full Committee and Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Services

"Terrorism Through the Mail:  Protecting Postal Workers and the Public."
(Part I) 

Tuesday, October 30, 2001
 9:30 a.m . 342 Dirksen Building

Witness List & Testimony

Press Release

Full Committee and Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Services

Senator Thompson Statement

Chairman Lieberman Statement

"Promoting the Best Interests of Children: Proposals to Establish a Family Court in the District of Columbia Superior Court." 

Thursday, October 25, 2001

The Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia
"Federal Efforts to Coordinate and Prepare the United States for Bioterrorism: Are They Adequate?"

Wednesday, October 17, 2001
9:30 a.m.  342 Dirksen Building 

Witness List & Testimony

Senator Thompson Statement

Chairman Lieberman's Statement

Full Committee and Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Services
"Legislative Options to Strengthen Homeland Defense."

October 12, 2001
10:00 a.m.  342 Dirksen Building

Witness List & Testimony

Chairman Lieberman Statement

Full Committee  



Nomination of Mark W. Everson to be Controller, Office of Federal Financial Management, Office of Management and Budget

October 11, 2001
9:30 a.m.  342 Dirksen Building.

Witness List & Testimony

Full Committee
"Federal Food Safety Oversight: Does the Fragmented Structure Really Make Sense." 

October 10, 2001
1:00 p.m.
  342 Dirksen Building

Witness List & Testimony

Press Release

Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia
"Critical Infrastructure Protection: Who's In Charge?"

October 4, 2001
9:30 a.m.  342  Dirksen Building

Witness List & Testimony

Press Release

Full Committee

Chairman Lieberman Statement

Senator Thompson Statement

Weak Links: How Should the Federal Government Manage Airline Passenger and Baggage Screening?

September 25, 2001
2:30 p.m., 342 Dirksen Building

Witness List & Testimony

Full Committee & the Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring & the District of Columbia  
"Responding to Homeland Threats: Is Our Government Organized for the Challenge?"

September 21, 2001
 9:30 a.m.  342 Dickson Building

Witness List & Testimony

Press Release

Full Committee

Annual Report of the Postmaster General

September 20, 2001
10:00 a.m.  342 Dirksen Building

Witness List & Testimony

Senator Akaka Statement

The Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation, and Federal Services.
"How Secure is Our Critical Infrastructure?"

September 12, 2001
11:00 a.m. 216 Senate Hart Bldg 

Witness List & Testimony

Full Committee


Business Meeting



August 2, 2001
9:30 a.m. 342 Dirksen Building


Full Committee  
JULY 2001

Nomination Hearing, Daniel Levinson to be Inspector General for the General Services Administration

July 31, 2001
2:30 p.m. 342 Dirksen Building

Witness List & Testimony

Full Committee



Ecstasy Use Rises: What More Needs to be Done by the Government to Combat the Problem

July 30, 2001
9:30 a.m. 342 Dirksen Building

Witness List & Testimony

Full Committee

       Chairman Lieberman's Statement


To consider the nomination of Lynn Leibovitz to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia

July 26, 2001
9:30 a.m. 342 Dirksen Building

Witness List & Testimony

Full Committee



S. 995, Whistleblower Protection Act Amendments

July 25, 2001
2:30 p.m. Dirksen Building

Witness List & Testimony

Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Services

Rating Entertainment Ratings: How Well are They Working for Parents, and What can be Done to Improve Them? 

July 25, 2001
9:30 a.m. Dirksen Building

Chairman Lieberman's Statement

Witness List & Testimony

Full Committee



Who Cares for the Caregivers?: The Role of Health Insurance in Promoting Quality Care for Seniors, Children and Individuals with Disabilities

July 24, 2001
2:30p.m. Dirksen Building

Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia

S. 159, A Bill to Elevate the EPA to a Cabinet Level Department

July 24, 2001
10:00 a.m. Dirksen Building

Chairman Lieberman's Statement

Witness List & Testimony

Full Committee

Senator Collins Statement


FEMA's Role in Managing a Bioterrorist Attack and the Impact of Public Health Concerns on Bioterrorism Preparedness 

July 23, 2001
2:00 pm  Dirksen Building

Witness List & Testimony

Hearing Statement

Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Services

S. 1008, the Climate Change Strategy and Technology Innovation Act of 2001 

July 18, 2001
9:30 a.m.  Dirksen Building

Witness List & Testimony

Full Committee



What Is The U.S. Position On Offshore Tax Havens? 

Hearing Background

July 18, 2001
2:00 p.m. Dirksen Building

Witness List & Testimony

Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations

Chairman Levin's Statement


Expanding Flexible Personnel Systems Government Wide

July 17, 2001 
2:30 p.m.  SD-342

Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia

S. 803, The E-Government Act of 2001 

July 11, 2001 
9:30am,  SD-342

Witness List & Testimony


Full Committee  


JUNE 2001
The Impact of Electric Industry Restructuring on System Reliability   

 June 28, 2001
9:30 a.m.  SD-342


Witness List & Testimony

Full Committee  


Finding a Cure to Keep Nurses on the Job: The Federal Government's Role in Retaining Nurses for Delivery of Federally Funded Health Care Services

 June 27, 2001
10:00 a.m.  342  Dirksen Building

Witness List & Testimony

Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management       
Diabetes: Is Sufficient Funding Being Allocated To Fight This Disease

Witness List & Testimony

June 26, 2001
10:00 a.m.  216  Hart Building

Senator Collins' Statement

Hearing Background

Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations  Chairman Levin's Statement  
Nominations Hearing; Kay C. James to be Director of the Office of Personal Management Othoniel "Tony" Armendariz to be a member of the Federal Labor Relations Authority

June 21, 2001 
2:30 p.m.  SD-342

Witness List & Testimony

Full Committee  


The Role of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Associated with the Restructuring of Energy Industries

Witness List & Testimony

June 20, 2001 
9:30am, 106 Dirksen Building


Full Committee  

 Senator Thompson's Statement

Economic Issues Associated with the Restructuring of Energy Industry

 June 13, 2001
9:30 a.m.  342 Dirksen Building


Witness List & Testimony

Full Committee



Cross Border Fraud: Improving Transnational Law Enforcement Cooperation Part 1

June 14, 2001
9:30 a.m.  342 Dirksen Building

Hearing Background

Witness List & Testimony

Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations

Cross Border Fraud: Improving Transnational Law Enforcement Cooperation Part 2

June 15, 2001
9:30 a.m.  SD-342

Witness List & Testimony

Hearing Background

Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
MAY 2001
Tissue Banks: Is The Federal Government's Oversight Adequate

Hearing Background

May 24, 2001
9:30 a.m.  SD-342


Witness List & Testimony

Business Meeting


Action Taken

May 23, 2001
9:30 a.m.  SD-342

Full Committee


Nominations Hearing: Erik Christian and Maurice Ross to be Associate Judges for the Superior Court of the District of Columbia

May 22, 2001 
9:00am, SD-342

Witness List & Testimony

Full Committee


Nominations Hearing:  John D. Graham to be Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs at the Office of Management and Budget, Angela Styles to be Administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy and Steven A. Perry to be Administrator of the General Services Administration

 May 17, 2001
10:00 a.m., SD-342

Press Release

Witness List & Testimony

Full Committee

Financial Outlook of United States Postal Service

Witness List & Testimony

May 15, 2001
10:00 a.m., SD-342

Press Release


Press Release

Full Committee and Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Services

Federal Election Practices and Procedures, Part 2

Witness List & Testimony

May 9, 2001
10:00 a.m., 342 Dirksen Building

Press Release


Full Committee

Federal Election Practices and Procedures, Part 1

May 3, 2001
10:00 a.m., 342 Dirksen Building

Media Advisory

Press Release

Full Committee

Witness List & Testimony


APRIL 2001
The State of the Presidential Appointments Process

April 5, 2001
10:00 a.m., SD-342

Witness List & Testimony

Press Release

Full Committee


The State of the Presidential Appointments Process

April 4, 2001
2:00 p.m., SD-342

Witness List & Testimony

Press Release

Full Committee


MARCH 2001
The National Security Implications of the Human Capital Crisis

March 29, 2001
10:00 a.m., SD-342

Witness List & Testimony

Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia
Assessing the D.C. Metropolitan PD's Year 2000 Performance

March 22, 2001
10:00 a.m., SD-342

Hearing Background

Witness List & Testimony

Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia
High Performance Computer Export Controls

March 15, 2001
9:30am, SD-342

Witness List & Testimony

Press Release

Full Committee           
Business Meeting    

March 8, 2001
2:00 p.m., SD-342

Full Committee           
The Role of U.S. Correspondent Banking In International Money Laundering - Part III

March 6, 2001
10:00 a.m., SD-342

Senator Levin's Statement

Witness List & Testimony

Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations

Hearing Background

The Role of U.S. Correspondent Banking In International Money Laundering - Part II

March 2, 2001
9:30 a.m.  SD-106

Senator Levin's Statement

Witness List & Testimony

Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations

Hearing Background

The Role of U.S. Correspondent Banking In International Money Laundering - Part I

Witness List & Testimony

March 1, 2001
9:30 a.m., SD-342

Senator Collins' Statement

Hearing Background

Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations

  Senator Levin's Statement


Nomination Hearing for Sean O'Keefe to be Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget

February 27, 2001
10:30am, SD-342

Witness List & Testimony

Press Release

Full Committee  
Nomination Hearing for Joe M. Allbaugh to be Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency

February 13, 2001
10:30am, SD-342

Witness List & Testimony

Full Committee  
High-Risk: Human Capital in the Federal Government

Hearing Background

February 1, 2001
10:30am, SD-342

Witness List & Testimony

Press Release

Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia


Nomination Hearing for Mitchell Daniels, Jr. to be Director of OMB

January 19, 2001
10:30am, SD-342

Witness List & Testimony


Full Committee


Past Governmental Affairs  Committee Hearings, 105th Congress

Past Governmental Affairs  Committee Hearings, 106th Congress

Past Governmental Affairs  Committee Hearings, 107th Congress

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