Contact: Maggie McKeon 518-581-8247

Representative Murphy Introduces His First Amendment on the House Floor

Washington, May 20, 2009 -

Like so many other Members here today, I rise to speak in favor of this bill and in particular an amendment that I think will make it stronger. For many years, I have been a small business owner, a founder of small businesses, and for the last 8 years, I have been investing in small businesses all over New York. I have seen the challenges that small business people face, and I'm well aware of the needs that they have as they start these businesses. And in particular in this troubled economic time, what those of us that work in the small business world know is that many more entrepreneurs will turn to their own efforts to start small businesses. We will see a lot more small businesses founded by entrepreneurs in these troubled economic times as people can't find jobs and they are getting laid off from bigger companies.

In particular, you have got that combined with the veterans that are coming back from our efforts overseas. And as we draw down in Iraq, a large number of veterans will be coming back and mustering out looking for job opportunities. What they are going to need is help because they are going to go and try to start small businesses. And it is a difficult task.

My amendment would increase the funding for the Veterans Business Centers that are already contemplated in this bill. Instead of $150,000 for each of the first 5 years, they would be allocated up to $200,000. And instead of $100,000 thereafter for 3 additional years, they could go up to $150,000. I think it is critical that we make sure that we have enough of these Veterans Business Centers, like the one that we already have in the Albany area near my district, to help as many veterans as we can when they come back.

There is a great need out there. I saw this myself. I started my first business when I was 24 years old. People ask me, What would you do differently if you did it again? And every time I say, The thing I would do differently is I would turn to get more advice from experienced people early on. That is exactly what these centers will provide for our veterans. And I ask that people support this amendment to make sure we have the funding for them.

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