Contact: Josh Schwerin (202) 225-5614

Congressman Murphy Speaks on His Bill to Increase Openness and Transparency

Washington, Jun 9 -

Thank you Mr. Brady for yielding and thank you Madam Speaker for recognizing me. 

I rise today in support of my resolution, House Resolution 1178, requiring the clerk of the house to make available a congressional budget office cost estimates for each bill considered by the House by including a link to the official C.B.O. website on Clerk's official website. 

For every bill that comes to the house floor from committee there's includes a C.B.O. cost estimate or a score. This estimate is included with a conference report. We here in the House all know this and we use these scores to make informed decisions about our vote every day. 

But the C.B.O. score can be difficult to find for my constituents. I've had many complaints about this from people in my district looking to find out what are we spending our money on here. The Clerk's office keeps the official record of the bills we're working on and by including this link it will be much easier for constituents all over the country to get access to this important spending information and how these bills we are working on will affect the bottom line of government finance. 

The CBO score lets us know how this legislation will affect our long-term fiscal solvency, whether it will be an increase in our debt and it's obviously as we live in this time of very great debt, something important to my constituents. 

Making sure that our constituents have the information they need to see how legislation will affect them and their families and it is not only good policy, but it’s good government. 

By promoting openness and transparency in everything we do here in congress, we can begin to restore the public's trust in this body. 

For me, openness and transparency is something I’ve been working on since I got here a year just a year ago. And there are many opportunities for us in Congress to do this to dialog more effectively with our constituents and let them know what we are doing here in Washington. 

For me that includes posting my schedule online so that people can find out what I'm doing ever day on their behalf. It includes posting appropriations requests online so that people can see what I’m asking for money for in my district. This is the kind transparency people tell me every day they want to see and this resolution will do that with respect to C.B.O. scores and making them available about the legislation we're considering here. 

This legislation is only one piece of the equation in increasing openness and transparency in congress but it's a critical component to ensure our constituents have the information they need to accurately judge our actions here in congress and to ensure we continue to uphold the standards of our office. 

Beyond reforms like this, it's our responsibility as representatives to do on our own part to promote openness and transparency. It's the only way we can restore faith in this broken system. 

Again I'd like to thank Chairman Brady and Ranking Member Lungren for their support in bringing this resolution to the floor and I yield the balance of my time.

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