Contact: Josh Schwerin (202) 225-5614

Congressman Murphy Speaks on Need to Close the Medicare Part D "Donut Hole"

Washington, Jun 10 -

Mr. Speaker, today we see the first benefits from the new Healthcare Reform Law that was passed earlier of this Congress and signed into law by the president. 

Eighty thousand seniors across America will be receiving checks that are being sent out starting today for two hundred and fifty dollars to help pay the cost of their prescription drug coverage while they’re in the donut hole. 

Other seniors that reach the doughnut hole through the rest of this year will also receive two hundred and fifty dollar checks to help them afford the prescription drugs they need to live their life safely and happily. 

Over the next ten years this healthcare reform will eliminate the donut hole completely for our seniors. 

That’s a step in the right direction, providing security and safety on the healthcare that our seniors need. 

Amazingly though, some on the other side of the aisle are continuing to call not to change the Healthcare Reform Bill but to repeal it entirely, to cut up the checks, take them away from our seniors, and stop the help that they need to pay for their prescription drugs. 

We’ll always be working to make our healthcare system better but repealing this positive step forward makes no sense to me.

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