During his time in the Senate, Senator Gregg has worked on a broad range of legislation, projects and initiatives, shaping both foreign and domestic policy, and ensuring that New Hampshire continues to be a great place to live. Summaries of some of his accomplishments are included below by issue area:

Air Quality and Climate

Senator Gregg continues to support renewable technology and research that will help protect our environment and conserve our natural resources for generations to come, while also working to address the challenges of climate change. Read More »

Bioterror Preparedness and Prescription Drugs

Senator Gregg continues to spearhead efforts to ensure access to and safety of prescription drugs so that every American has confidence that the medications they are purchasing are safe and affordable. In a post 9/11 World, Senator Gregg has responded to the dangers of bioterrorism and crafted legislation that protects Americans from these threats. Read More »

Defense and Homeland Security

Senator Gregg’s top priority continues to be that our nation’s soldiers have the pay, benefits, equipment, and resources they need to complete their missions safely and effectively. Senator Gregg has fought hard to sustain New Hampshire’s defense industrial base and modernize military facilities in the state. These efforts have been critical to improving the quality of life of our military personnel and for the betterment of local Granite State communities. Read More »

Education: K-12

As former Chairman and current member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, Senator Gregg has long championed efforts to improve the education provided to our nation’s children. Read More »

Environment and Land Conservation

Senator Gregg has worked to protect and preserve more than 337,000 acres of environmentally sensitive land throughout New Hampshire, securing more than $171 million in federal funds.  Read More »

Foreign Policy

As Ranking Member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Agencies, Senator Gregg has a prominent role in formulating U.S. foreign policy and in assessing and prioritizing national security interests overseas. He continues to be a leader in establishing essential U.S. public diplomacy and improving accountability in U.S. foreign aid. Read More »

Health Care

As former Chairman and current member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, Senator Gregg is a key leader on health care and continues to play a significant role in crafting legislation to reform our nation’s health care system. Whether it is ensuring that every American has the opportunity to purchase affordable health insurance or improving the quality of care, Senator Gregg has been a driving force behind passing legislation and addressing these issues which are critically important to all Americans. Read More »

Higher Education

As former Chairman and current member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, Senator Gregg has long championed efforts to improve the affordability of and access to higher education. Read More »

Law Enforcement

As former Chairman and current member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies (CJS), Senator Gregg has secured significant funding for New Hampshire law enforcement to help prosecute criminals, provide personnel with cutting-edge equipment, and improve communications to help our police keep communities safe. He also has long championed efforts at both the national and local levels to combat crimes against children. Read More »