Kilroy to help craft final financial regulation bill

The Columbus Dispatch

Democratic Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy of Columbus is getting a seat at the table as lawmakers try to hash out a final financial regulation overhaul bill.

The House and Senate have passed differing versions of the legislation, a bill Democrats prefer to call "Wall Street reform" in the wake of the implosion of the housing market and risky mortgage-based securities and the financial collapse of some of nation's biggest financial institutions and resulting federal bailout.

“I am proud to serve on the committee that will hold Wall Street and big corporate special interests accountable and provide the confidence that rules are in place that work for the average American,” Kilroy said..

Kilroy is a member of the House Financial Services Committee which helped craft the House version. It is rare for a freshman lawmaker to be named to a House-Senate conference committee charged with hashing out the House and Senate differences over such a major bill. But Democratic leaders may be trying to help Kilroy highlight her first term in Congress, with the Columbus Democrat embroiled in a heated contest with Republican challenger Steve Stivers, a rematch of the 2008 race narrowly won by Kilroy.


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The 15th District

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<1299 Olentangy River Rd, ste. 200
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