House Agrees to Bilirakis Resolution against “Terror TV” PDF Print E-mail

WASHINGTON DC – A Resolution condemning certain Middle East media outlets, authored by Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), was today agreed to by the House by a vote of 409 to 1.

The Resolution condemns the broadcast of incitement to violence against the United States, Americans, Israelis and the West by media based in the Middle East and urges governments throughout the Middle East, American allies, and other responsible nations to officially and publicly repudiate purveyors of incitement to violence against Americans and the United States. In addition, the resolution calls on the President to designate certain Middle Eastern media outlets as Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGT).

Congressman Bilirakis said, ”Broadcasting terror recruitment videos, showing clips of attacks on coalition soldiers with words of praise and using cartoons to encourage children to ‘eat’ Jews are just a few of the many examples of illegitimate propaganda being peddled as news in the Middle Eastern media. Given the danger such incitement poses to American service and civilian personnel in the region, it is long past time for the U.S. and other responsible nations to stop this growing threat.”

Note: The original resolution, H. Res. 1069, was introduced by Congressman Joseph Crowley (D-NY). That resolution was amended completely and replaced by the language in Congressman Gus Bilirakis’ H. Res. 1308 on July 16, 2008.

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