Rep. Bilirakis Opposes Massive Spending Spree PDF Print E-mail

WASHINGTON (28 January) – U.S. Rep. Gus M. Bilirakis (R-Fla.) released the following statement after opposing the massive spending bill before the House.

"Our nation is facing a serious economic crisis and I believe we must do all we can to get our economy moving in the right direction again. Last year, Florida ranked second nationally with 255,000 job losses. This is precisely why Congress should be considering a stimulus bill which creates jobs; unfortunately we are instead considering a federal spending spree.  

"The best way to create economic growth is to allow the American taxpayers to keep more of their own money to spend. We should be enacting fast acting tax relief which would create jobs and lower the tax burden on working families and small businesses. We should be funding needed transportation and infrastructure projects on which states are ready to move forward.

"Instead, Congress is considering a bill that will force our children and grandchildren to pay for this bill’s long-term spending commitments, most of which have nothing to do with creating jobs.  

"We can do better. We should work together – not as Republicans or Democrats, but as Americans - to craft a more responsible bill that will better meet our shared objective of creating jobs and lowering taxes for individuals and businesses."

 Bailout Spending
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