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November 7, 2003

Honorable J. Dennis Hastert
Speaker of the House
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Mr. Speaker:

I am pleased to provide you with the additional information you requested regarding CBO's cost estimate for S. 1125, the Fairness in Asbestos Injury Resolution Act of 2003.

If you wish further details on this estimate, we would be happy to provide them. The CBO staff contact is Lanette J. Walker.


Douglas Holtz-Eakin

cc:      Honorable Orrin G. Hatch
Senate Committee on the Judiciary
      Honorable Patrick J. Leahy
Ranking Democratic Member
      Honorable F. James Sensenbrenner Jr.
House Committee on the Judiciary
      Honorable John Conyers Jr.
Ranking Member


Additional Information Regarding
CBO's Cost Estimate for S. 1125,
the Fairness in Asbestos Injury
Resolution Act of 2003

1. Please provide CBO's claims forecasts for pending and future malignant and non-malignant claims, by the act's disease levels and by year, that underlie the summary results in Table 2.

CBO's estimate for pending and future claims by disease levels per year can be found in the attached Table 1.

2. Please provide CBO's award value estimates (and their derivations) for pending and future malignant and nonmalignant claims, by the act's disease levels and by year, that underlie the summary results in Table 2. To what extent do the claim values for pending claims reflect offsets for collateral source compensation?

Section 131 specifies the award values under the bill for disease categories II through X. For level I, medical monitoring, we estimate that the net cost to the government would average $1,000 per individual. The award values CBO used for the estimate are summarized below.


Level Condition or Disease Estimated Average
Award Value

I Asbestosis/Pleural, Disease A $1,000  
II Mixed Disease With Impairment $20,000  
III Asbestosis/Pleural, Disease B $75,000  
IV Severe Asbestosis $300,000  
V Disabling Asbestosis $750,000  
VI Other Cancer $150,000  
VII Lung Cancer One  
    Smokers $50,000  
    Ex-smokers $150,000  
    Nonsmokers $412,500  
VIII Lung Cancer with Pleural Disease  
    Smokers $175,000  
    Ex-smokers $500,000  
    Nonsmokers $800,000  
IX Lung Cancer with Asbestosis  
    Smokers $350,000  
    Ex-smokers $700,000  
    Nonsmokers $900,000  
X Mesothelioma $1,000,000  

Some award values are specified in S. 1125 as a range. For example, the award value for a level IX (lung cancer with asbestosis) nonsmoking claimant would be between $800,000 and $1 million. CBO expects that the average of awards for such claimants would be near the middle of the range.

Section 131 of S. 1125 also would authorize the administrator of the fund to increase award values each year by the change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). For this cost estimate, CBO increased the award values each year by our estimate of the annual change in the CPI--2.5 percent a year.

CBO's estimate for pending claims is based on research conducted by Navigant Consulting, which reflects the availability of collateral source compensation. CBO estimates that the equivalent of about 300,000 pending claims--full claims without any prior award--would qualify for compensation under the bill. That figure represents more than 300,000 individuals making partial claims and receiving some compensation from other sources. For example, two claimants that have each received 50 percent of what they would be eligible to receive under the bill are considered as one pending claim in our estimate.

3. CBO explains that the claims projections in the cost estimate rely on a comparison of the medical criteria in S. 1125 with that of the Manville Trust and other compensation trusts. To what extent does the CBO cost estimate take into account the diagnostic criteria required under S. 1125? How does the cost estimate adjust the estimate to reflect these criteria?

To the extent possible and based on available data, CBO's estimate reflects the diagnostic criteria required under S. 1125. Because the Manville Trust is the oldest and largest private trust fund for asbestos claims and compensates claimants based on medical criteria similar to those specified in S. 1125, CBO studied the history of claims paid by that trust and its estimate of how claims received under its 1995 trust distribution process would have been compensated under its revised 2002 distribution process, which has medical criteria that are similar to those in S. 1125.

CBO's estimate of claims that would be compensated by the Asbestos Trust under S. 1125 does not rely exclusively on data from the Manville Trust. CBO also reviewed a number of projections of asbestos injury claims that were prepared for different purposes by several private groups and individuals, including those presented to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary during its consideration of S. 1125 by the Asbestos Study Group, Navigant Consulting, and Legal Analysis Systems. Those estimates were prepared with an understanding of the medical criteria in S. 1125 as approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee. For our estimate, we also considered the inaccuracy of projections of future asbestos injury claims that have been made in the past and the significant discretion that the Special Asbestos Masters would have to determine eligibility and awards under the bill.

4. To what extent does the CBO cost estimate take into account the exposure criteria required under S. 1125? Does the cost estimate adjust the projections of eligible claims to reflect these criteria?

CBO's estimate of the cost of claims is based on projections for S. 1125 prepared by a number of experts, who considered the exposure criteria specified in the bill. The impact of those criteria is difficult to predict, however, because the ultimate costs of the bill would depend on exactly how those criteria were interpreted and implemented. All awards for disease level VII as well as appeals of the compensation offered for other disease levels would be decided by the Medical Advisory Committee. Without any prior experience regarding the operations of the Medical Advisory Committee, we cannot be certain how the exposure criteria would be enforced under the legislation, how often the committee would grant exceptions, and on what basis exceptions might be granted.

5. CBO also states that payments by insurers into the Fund would be roughly equal to their liabilities under the existing tort system. How did CBO reach this conclusion? To what extent did CBO evaluate the adequacy of insurance carriers' current asbestos reserves?

CBO's cost estimate for S. 1125 noted that "it is impossible to say with any confidence whether the amounts that would be paid out by defendant firms and insurers under this legislation would be higher or lower than what they would expend in its absence through the tort system." On that basis, we concluded that the best assumption we could make was that the bill would have no significant effect on corporate taxable income. (See page 14 of the CBO cost estimate.)

CBO considered the level of reserves reported by insurance carriers when estimating how much their firms could pay to the fund. We estimate that, under S. 1125, direct insurers would pay $22 billion over the first three years after enactment, a sum that exceeds the direct insurers' current asbestos reserves by $3 billion. We expect that insurers could obtain the additional funds from other sources. CBO did not have information concerning the reserves and financial condition of reinsurers with asbestos liability.



  Disease Level
Year of

Pending 7,040 1,892 504 126 2,878 767 192 5,405 1,441 360 6,068 3,760 7,202 39,263 4,363 218,353
2005 2,215 997 266 66 997 266 66 1,329 354 89 738 812 812 8,123 2,031 69,451
2006 2,193 987 263 66 987 263 66 1,316 351 88 731 796 796 7,957 1,989 68,031
2007 2,054 924 247 62 924 247 62 1,233 329 82 685 738 738 7,377 1,844 63,075
2008 2,009 904 241 60 904 241 60 1,205 321 80 670 714 714 7,138 1,784 61,028
2009 1,968 886 236 59 886 236 59 1,181 315 79 656 692 692 6,918 1,729 59,147
2010 1,923 865 231 58 865 231 58 1,154 308 77 641 669 669 6,686 1,672 57,168
2011 1,874 843 225 56 843 225 56 1,124 300 75 625 644 644 6,444 1,611 55,094
2012 1,822 820 219 55 820 219 55 1,093 291 73 607 620 620 6,197 1,549 52,983
2013 1,729 778 207 52 778 207 52 1,037 277 69 576 582 582 5,815 1,454 49,721
2014 1,647 741 198 49 741 198 49 988 264 66 549 548 548 5,478 1,370 46,839
2015 1,563 703 188 47 703 188 47 938 250 63 521 514 514 5,138 1,285 43,934
2016 1,479 666 177 44 666 177 44 887 237 59 493 481 481 4,807 1,202 41,102
2017 1,394 627 167 42 627 167 42 836 223 56 465 448 448 4,478 1,119 38,285
2018 1,307 588 157 39 588 157 39 784 209 52 436 415 415 4,147 1,037 35,460
2019 1,223 550 147 37 550 147 37 734 196 49 408 384 384 3,837 959 32,804
2020 1,142 514 137 34 514 137 34 685 183 46 381 354 354 3,538 884 30,246
2021 1,060 477 127 32 477 127 32 636 170 42 353 324 324 3,243 811 27,730
2022 985 443 118 30 443 118 30 591 158 39 328 298 298 2,978 744 25,460
2023 911 410 109 27 410 109 27 547 146 36 304 272 272 2,720 680 23,254
2024 838 377 101 25 377 101 25 503 134 34 279 247 247 2,471 618 21,124
2025 768 345 92 23 345 92 23 461 123 31 256 223 223 2,233 558 19,095
2026 705 317 85 21 317 85 21 423 113 28 235 202 202 2,023 506 17,300
2027 639 287 77 19 287 77 19 383 102 26 213 181 181 1,809 452 15,469
2028 580 261 70 17 261 70 17 348 93 23 193 162 162 1,621 405 13,856
2029 516 232 62 15 232 62 15 310 83 21 172 142 142 1,424 356 12,176
2030 463 209 56 14 209 56 14 278 74 19 154 126 126 1,260 315 10,776
2031 413 186 50 12 186 50 12 248 66 17 138 111 111 1,108 277 9,477
2032 366 165 44 11 165 44 11 220 59 15 122 97 97 968 242 8,273
2033 332 149 40 10 149 40 10 199 53 13 111 87 87 865 216 7,397
2034 290 131 35 9 131 35 9 174 46 12 97 75 75 746 186 6,375
2035 254 114 30 8 114 30 8 152 41 10 85 64 64 642 161 5,490
2036 220 99 26 7 99 26 7 132 35 9 73 55 55 548 137 4,689
2037 197 89 24 6 89 24 6 118 31 8 66 48 48 483 121 4,128
2038 168 76 20 5 76 20 5 101 27 7 56 41 41 407 102 3,479
2039 144 65 17 4 65 17 4 86 23 6 48 34 34 342 85 2,922
2040 122 55 15 4 55 15 4 73 19 5 41 29 29 285 71 2,437
2041 97 44 12 3 44 12 3 58 16 4 32 22 22 224 56 1,916
2042 80 36 10 2 36 10 2 48 13 3 27 18 18 182 45 1,554
2043 67 30 8 2 30 8 2 40 11 3 22 15 15 148 37 1,267
2044 58 26 7 2 26 7 2 35 9 2 19 13 13 127 32 1,085
2045 48 22 6 1 22 6 1 29 8 2 16 10 10 103 26 880
2046 39 18 5 1 18 5 1 23 6 2 13 8 8 83 21 708
2047 32 14 4 1 14 4 1 19 5 1 11 7 7 66 17 565
2048 28 13 3 1 13 3 1 17 4 1 9 6 6 57 14 486
2049 22 10 3 1 10 3 1 13 4 1 7 4 4 44 11 378

NOTE: s = smoker; x = ex-smoker; n = nonsmoker