Contact: Jen Hutchins, Patrick Boland (518) 743-0964

Congressman Murphy Votes Against House Leadership's Latest Stop Gap Spending Measure
Murphy Continues Call on Leadership to Put Forward Fiscally-Responsible Budget

Washington, Sep 30 - Early Thursday morning, Congressman Scott Murphy voted against the Continuing Resolution, House leadership’s latest stop-gap spending measure.  The vote, which occurred slightly after 12:30 am, was necessary because the House and Senate had failed to pass appropriations bills for FY 2011.  
“I voted against this spending measure for the same reason I voted against Democratic Leadership’s budget earlier this year.  We see time and again that instead of making tough choices and actually getting our spending under control, Congress forces through legislation with little advance notice and  little attempt to make meaningful cuts.  The time to start making those choices isn’t next year or next month. The time is now.

“As I have said before, I believe we must have a real five-year budget that cuts discretionary spending by 2% for the next three years and then freezes it for the following two.  This continuing resolution just delays those cuts, and by doing so, prolongs our fiscal irresponsibility.”


Before voting against this recent stop-gap spending measure, Murphy voted against the House Democrats budget enforcement resolution, and has continually called on Leadership to put forth a fiscally responsible budget.  In May, Congressman Murphy sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi urging her to put forward a budget with an overall reduction in spending over the next three years, followed by a freeze thereafter.

In the past year, Murphy has established a strong record of fiscal responsibility.  As a businessman, he fought to reinstate Pay-as-You-Go laws and eliminate waste in government, in order to address the nation’s growing debt and deficit. Murphy is also a member of the fiscally conservative Blue Dog Coalition and New Democrat coalitions in Congress.  

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