WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), the chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee and chief House sponsor of the legislation, issued the following statement today after President Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into law.
Pen from signing
January 29, 2009, The White House, President Obama hands Rep. George Miller a pen after signing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Act, which Miller authored. This was the first signing ceremony of the Obama Administration. Ms. Ledbetter is standing at left. (Photo: Daniel Weiss)
“I am proud that the first major piece of legislation signed by President Obama reaffirms the basic and fundamental American value of equal pay for equal work. Unfortunately, the outrageous employment practice of paying workers differently based on prejudice was sanctioned by a sorely misguided Supreme Court decision in May 2007 and demanded immediate attention.

“With President Obama’s signature today, we ensure that women and other workers who are discriminated against while on the job have the ability to receive a fair remedy. Ongoing pay discrimination is an attack on all working Americans and must be stamped out.  The Congress and the President restored the law today and ensured that discriminatory paychecks are not immune from challenge.

“I also commend Lilly Ledbetter’s incredible courage and perseverance over the past couple of years in making her voice heard in this debate. Thanks to Lilly Ledbetter’s efforts, even though it is too late for her to receive justice, millions of Americans will be able to once again fight against the despicable practice of workplace discrimination.”

For more information on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, click here.

Photos taken by staff members at the signing:

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