Committee Assignments, Coalitions, and Caucuses


Congressman McMahon was selected to serve on the House’s influential Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, as well as the prestigious Committee on Foreign Affairs.  These committees hold hearings on policy issues and review bills before they are considered by the full House of Representatives.

On the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Congressman McMahon sits on the Subcommittees on Aviation; Maritime Transportation and Coast Guard, where he serves as Vice Chair; and Railroads, Pipelines and Hazardous Materials. Congressman McMahon’s constituents in Staten Island and Brooklyn not only pay the highest tolls in the country, but also suffer through the longest commute in the nation. Congressman McMahon has used his position on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee to secure hundreds of millions of dollars for critical district needs like rebuilding the Ferry terminal in St. George, rehabilitating the Staten Island Expresswayand the Brooklyn subway stations, expanding “park and rides” in Staten Island’s South Shore and retrofitting the Staten Island Railway.  In fact, though his persistent work on this committee, Congressman McMahon secured the largest stimulus grant in the city for his district - $175 million for the St. George Ferry Terminal – and can boast the first stimulus project to break ground in the city – the Eltingville Park-and-Ride.

On the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Congressman McMahon sits on the Subcommittees on Europe; the Middle East and South Asia; and Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade.  As Congressman McMahon represents one of the nation’s most diverse Congressional districts, this committee is very important to many of his constituents.  NY’s 13th Congressional District is home to both the largest Italian-American and Liberian American populations in the US. It is also home to the fastest growing Arab community. Many other ethnic communities also thrive in Congressman McMahon’s district, including proud Jewish, Russian, Polish, Irish, Indian, Pakistani, Chinese and African-American communities. Sitting on the Foreign Affairs Committee allows Congressman McMahon to influence decisions which would directly impact the friends and relatives of his constituents, many of whom are first or second generation Americans.


In addition to his formal duties as a member of two House Committees, Congressman McMahon is also a proud member of several Congressional coalitions and caucuses, groups of Representatives committed to advancing particular ideals or policy issues during their work in Congress.

Congressman McMahon is a proud member of the New Democrat Coalition, a group of moderate Democrats in the House of Representatives.  The "New Dems," established during the 109th Congress and now chaired by fellow New York Representative Joseph Crowley, are committed to pursuing a common sense, fiscally responsible policy agenda.  The Coalition believes that the key to helping America's economy rebound are pro-growth policies and smarter business regulation that reflects the realities of the 21st century global economy.  The New Dems also support sensible trade policy, a secure homefront, and a robust foreign policy including a strong, modern military. 

Congressman McMahon is also a member of the Friends of Ireland Caucus, the Congressional Hellenic Caucus, the Pediatric Cancer Caucus, the Animal Protection Caucus, the Community Pharmacy Coalition, and the Bike Caucus. 

The Friends of Ireland Caucus focuses on issues related to the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The caucus' primary focus is bringing peace and reconciliation to Northern Island.

The Hellenic Caucus, chaired by fellow New York City Democrat Carolyn Maloney, works to foster and improve relations between the United States and Greece and the greater Aegean Sea Region.  The Caucus focuses on issues including aid to Greece and Cyprus, the civil conflict on Cyprus, and relations with the Republic of Macedonia.

The Pediatric Cancer Caucus was established in 2008 to provide a voice for children suffering from cancer.  The Representatives in the Caucus work to promote public awareness of childhood cancer and to ensure that cancer research and treatment receive full support from Congress.

The Community Pharmacy Coalition's primary objective is to preserve patient access to community pharmacies by restoring fairness and pragmatism to the health care system and supporting small business-friendly legislation.

The Congressional Animal Protection Caucus is committed to advancing common sense and humane animal protection legislation. Specific legislative priorities for the 111th Congress include restricting the slaughter of horses and better regulating the sale of puppies over the internet.

The Congressional Bike Caucus works to promote safer roads, more bike lanes and bike paths, and improved bike infrastructure including bike parking in America's cities and towns.  The Bike Caucus also strives to increase the visibility of cycling as an emissions-free and environmentally friendly form of transportation and recreation.