For Immediate Release: 
May 13, 2010

Katie Grant
Stephanie Lundberg
(202) 225 - 3130

“YouCut”? More Like “GOPSpent”

Republicans spent a decade failing to defend the middle class, leaving behind a failed economy and a $4.5 trillion deficit.  As part of their most recent effort to distract from their sorry record, Republicans launched “YouCut,” which would cut less than one-tenth of 1% of the federal budget. Unfortunately for them, cutting less than one-tenth of 1% of the total budget doesn’t come close to erasing their runaway spending.  If they were serious about reducing the deficit, they would have joined Democrats in enacting the Pay-As-You-Go law and supported establishing a bipartisan fiscal commission by law.  Regardless, Democrats remain ready to work with Republicans to keep building on efforts already taken in this Congress to tackle the federal budget deficit.
Click on the links below to send a message to Republicans that you don’t buy their political gimmicks and want them to work together with Democrats to cut spending and increase fiscal responsibility.  You can vote over and over by clicking any of the links below.


Click here to vote against irresponsible spending.

Trillion Dollar Tax Cuts to Millionaires

When they were in charge, Republicans enacted huge debt-financed tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans that will have to be paid for by you and the next generation.


Click here to vote against irresponsible spending.

Big Tax Breaks for Big Oil Companies

When they were in charge, Republicans sided with the special interests over middle-class Americans, giving big tax breaks to Big Oil to pad their profits rather than helping put America on a path to energy independence. While middle class Americans struggled in the recession, Big Oil saw record profits.


Click here to vote against irresponsible spending.

Bridge to Nowhere Earmarks

When they were in charge, Republicans nearly quadrupled the number of earmarks from 4,000 in 1994 to over 15,000 at the end of the 109th Congress in 2005.

Debt Drugs.jpg

Click here to vote against irresponsible spending.

Debt-Financed Spending

When they were in charge, Republicans abandoned PAYGO in favor of debt-financed spending in order to pass legislation like the Medicare drug benefits, which ended up costing taxpayers more than $400 billion.