Nevada's Congressional District Three

Titus Announces $2.9 Million in Homeland Security Preparedness Grants for Nevada

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Dina Titus of Nevada’s Third District announced today that Nevada has been awarded $2.9 million in preparedness grants through the Department of Homeland Security’s Buffer Zone Protection Program and Emergency Operations Center Grant Program.

“These funds are vital to our efforts to protect our community.  As a world-class destination for visitors, tourists, and conventions, Las Vegas must be a safe and secure environment for all,” Congresswoman Titus said.  “Southern Nevada’s law enforcement should be applauded for their efforts to keep visitors and residents alike safe; however our work to improve and increase our preparedness capabilities must be an ongoing effort.  This money will help finance that effort and can be used to strengthen our soft targets.  As a member of the Homeland Security Committee, I have worked to put a greater focus on such targets which in Southern Nevada include our casinos, Boulder Dam, and high traffic tourist areas.”

The Buffer Zone Protection Program allocates $2.3 million to increase preparedness capabilities of jurisdictions responsible for the safety and security of communities surrounding critical infrastructure and key resource assets.  These include chemical facilities, electric power plants, waste water systems, dams, stadiums, and other high-risk/high-consequence facilities.

The Emergency Operations Center Grant program allocates an additional $600,000 to Las Vegas to improve emergency management and preparedness capabilities by supporting flexible, sustainable, secure, and interoperable Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) with a focus on addressing identified deficiencies and needs.  The program also provides funding for construction or renovation of EOCs.  Fully capable emergency operation facilities are an essential element of a comprehensive national emergency management system and are necessary to ensure continuity of operations and continuity of government in major disasters caused by any hazard.

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Tags: Homeland Security, Las Vegas