Nevada's Congressional District Three

Titus Announces $1.1 Million for Laughlin Outreach Clinic for Veterans

Urges Swift Action on Construction in Letter to VA Secretary

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Dina Titus of Nevada’s Third District announced $1.1 million in funding today for the Laughlin Outreach Clinic to serve Southern Nevada veterans.  The funding is part of $215 million for 74 projects to assist veterans in rural and highly rural areas across the country.  The project will establish a part-time outreach clinic to improve the quality of care by improving access to primary care, mental health, and ancillary health care services.

“Caring for Nevada’s men and women who so bravely served our nation is one of my top priorities as a member of Congress,” Titus said.  “For too long, veterans in Nevada have had to travel great distances to receive the care they have earned.  It is critical that we provide resources that are convenient and serve them near their own communities.  With this new clinic, we are taking an important step toward meeting the needs of Southern Nevada’s veterans.”

Money for the Laughlin Outreach Clinic was awarded after a competitive and transparent selection process and was based on methodology, feasibility, and intended impact on rural veterans.  The funding for these projects is part of an ambitious VA program to improve access and quality of health care, both physical and mental, for veterans in rural areas, which also included the creation of an Office of Rural Health in February 2007.

Congresswoman Titus also wrote a letter today to Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki urging the Department to take swift action on the construction of the clinic. 

Below is the text of the letter:

May 21, 2009

The Honorable Eric K. Shinseki
Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave NW  
Washington, DC 20420

Dear Secretary Shinseki,

I am writing to express my appreciation regarding the recent announcement that the Department of Veterans Affairs will allocate $1,100,000 for a part time outreach clinic in Laughlin, Nevada, located in Southern Clark County. This clinic will greatly increase the quality of care for veterans in my district and in the local area by improving access to primary care, mental health, and ancillary health care services. This clinic will help more than 1,300 veterans in this rural area who are in need of a facility located near their homes.

My constituents in the Laughlin area have requested that the VA establish a clinic close to their homes for some time, and I am pleased that this request has been granted. For too long, veterans in this area have had to travel long distances to receive the care that they need. Once this facility is established, these veterans will have access to quality health care closer to their homes.

I am writing to request that you provide a timeline for establishing this clinic, so that I am able to respond to inquiries from my constituents. As you move forward in opening the clinic I would like to be kept informed of the progress. This clinic is important to me and my constituents and I would like to see it begin to offer quality care as soon as possible.

Thank you kindly for your attention to this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any assistance in this endeavor.


Dina Titus
Member of Congress

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