Nevada's Congressional District Three

Titus Announces $3.5 Million in Housing Funding For Nevada Through Recovery Act

Monday, September 28, 2009

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Dina Titus announced today that Nevada is receiving more than $3.5 million for housing programs through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.  The money from the Department of Housing and Urban Development will go toward the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and the Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-housing Program (HPRP).

“This assistance is essential for communities in Nevada that have struggled during the foreclosure crisis.  At a time when too many Nevadans have lost their homes, this money from the Recovery Act will help put a roof over the heads of Nevada families,” Congresswoman Titus said.  “By providing local governments with the tools and resources they need, these funds will help people get off the streets and on their feet during this challenging time.”

Under the latest Recovery Act announcement, the following funds will be distributed throughout the state:

• Clark County - $1,697,262 (CDBG)
• State of Nevada - $740,431 (CDBG)
• North Las Vegas - $443,222 (CDBG)
• North Las Vegas - $677,704 (HPRP)

HPRP funds are designed to help those facing a sudden financial crisis that could lead to homelessness by assisting communities in providing short and medium-term rental assistance in order to rapidly re-house families or preventing families from becoming homeless in the first place.  CDBG funds enable state and local governments to undertake a wide range of activities intended to create suitable living environments, provide affordable housing and create economic opportunities.

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Tags: Clark County, , North Las Vegas, Recovery and Reinvestment Act