
Price on November Unemployment Report
December 3, 2010  - Republican Study Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-GA) issued the following statement after the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the unemployment rate for November was 9.8 percent. “Nationwide, the unemployment rate has stayed at 9.4 percent or higher for 19 straight months,” said Chairma... More

Price Comments on Deficit Commission Recommendations
December 3, 2010  - Republican Study Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-GA) released the following statement after the Presidential deficit commission’s recommendations failed to garner the 14 votes necessary to move the package on to Congress. “At the very least, it is good to see that a positive conversation about ta... More

Rep. Flake Seeks Cosigners to President Obama Urging a Veto of Any End-of-Year FY 2011 Funding Legislation Containing Earmarks
December 3, 2010  - Representative Flake is circulating a letter to President Obama urging him to veto of any end-of-year funding legislation that includes earmarks. More

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