For Immediate Release: 
June 22, 2010

Katie Grant
Stephanie Lundberg
(202) 225 - 3130

Since Health Reform Was Signed Into Law…

Monday marked the 90-day anniversary of President Obama signing health reform into law. In just three months, significant progress has been made to ensure that the implementation of key new benefits within the law will make our health care system more affordable and accessible so Americans can get the coverage they need when they need it the most.
Immediate Benefits of Health Reform
Americans are already experiencing several of the many benefits that health reform provides, including:
Help For All Americans:
Since health reform was signed into law, insurance companies have stopped rescinding care from patients when they need it most.
Help For Seniors:
Since health reform was signed into law, seniors hitting the “donut hole” are receiving a one-time, tax free $250 check to help subsidize prescription drug costs.
Help For Businesses & Retirees:
Since health reform was signed into law, employers are gaining new resources to help maintain retirees’ health coverage.
Help For Small Businesses:
Since health reform was signed into law, small businesses are taking advantage of tax credits that make it more affordable to provide insurance to their employees.
Help For American Families & Young Americans:
Since health reform was signed into law, many parents have been able to keep their kids under 26 years of age on their health plans. 
In the next 3 months, Americans will begin to experience even more benefits of health reform, including:
• No more lack of affordable insurance options for uninsured Americans with pre-existing conditions after creation of high-risk pools
• No more discrimination against children with pre‐existing conditions
• No more lifetime limits on coverage
• No more restrictive annual limits on coverage