Straight Talk for Seniors on Health Reform
Straight Talk for Seniors on Health Reform : NCOA, National Council on Aging

NCOA, National Council on Aging

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Straight Talk for Seniors on Health Reform

Confused about health reform? Wondering what it means for older Americans?

We’re out to set the record straight. We’ve launched a national educational campaign to help seniors understand what’s in the new health reform law and how it will affect them. Our facts are drawn from the law itself and from numerous non-partisan sources.

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Webinars for Aging Services Professionals

Are you getting questions from seniors about health reform? Learn how to answer them at a free Webinar on our Straight Talk for Seniors campaign.

Straight Talk Fact Sheets

  • 5 Key Facts on the Affordable Care Act (Health Reform) [ HTML | PDF ]
  • Frequently Asked Questions about Health Reform and Seniors [ HTML | PDF ]
  • Medicare Advantage Plans  [ HTML | PDF ]
  • Long-Term Care [ HTML | PDF ]
  • Financing the Medicare Program [ HTML | PDF ]
  • Straight Talk for Seniors Presentation [ PDF ]

Straight Talk Toolkit for Aging Services Professionals

  • Download a toolkit with resources to help you educate the seniors you serve. [ ZIP ]

National Poll on Health Reform and Seniors

What do older adults really know about health reform? We polled older Americans across the country and found that fewer than half could correctly answer questions about what’s in the new law.

For more information about Straight Talk for Seniors on Health Reform, please contact us at

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