Member Activity
  • Rep. Flake Seeks Cosigners to President Obama Urging a Veto of Any End-of-Year FY 2011 Funding Legislation Containing Earmarks
    Dec 3, 2010  - Representative Flake is circulating a letter to President Obama urging him to veto of any end-of-year funding legislation that includes... More
  • Rep. Poe Seeks Cosponsors for the Ensuring Affordable Energy Act
    Dec 3, 2010  - The Ensuring Affordable Energy Act would prohibit funding for the Environmental Protection Agency to be used to implement or enforce a cap-and-trade program for greenhouse gases.  In a post election press conference President Obama suggested that the execution of cap-and-trade through... More
  • Rep. Poe Seeks Cosponsors for the Voter Integrity Act
    Dec 3, 2010  - In 1996, Congress passed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act which recognized the importance of U.S. citizenship, and prohibited non-citizens from voting in federal elections.  However, the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act does not apply to... More
  • Rep. Posey Seeks Cosponsors to End the Death Gratuity for Members of Congress
    Dec 3, 2010  - Under current practice, the Congress provides out of the US Treasury a death benefit equal to one year’s salary payable to the survivors of a Member who dies in office.  This gratuity is in addition to any insurance for which the Member may have paid insurance premiums.  Rep Posey’s bill would end... More
  • Rep. Roe Seeks Cosigners to Speaker-Designate Boehner Urging Speedy Passage of Legislation to Repeal and then Replace the Democrats’ Health Care Bill
    Dec 3, 2010  - Rep. Roe seeks cosigners for a letter to Speaker-Designate Boehner urging speedy passage of legislation to repeal and then replace the Democrats’ health care bill with patient-centered reform in the 112th... More
  • Rep. Culberson Op-Ed: It's Not Congress's Money
    Dec 2, 2010  - By Congressman John Culberson There is a lot of talk in Washington these days about a “compromise” on extending the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, but two key points are being left out of the debate. First, this vote is about stopping a massive tax increase — it has nothing to do with cutting anyone’s... More
  • Rep. Jordan Op-Ed: A Conservative Majority
    Dec 1, 2010  - By Congressman Jim Jordan Second chances are rare in life. They are even rarer in politics. When the American people soundly rejected the big government liberalism of President Obama and Speaker Pelosi at the polls, they cast a cautious eye on Republicans and gave us one more chance to do... More
  • Rep. Paul Ryan & John Taylor Op-Ed: Refocus The Fed On Price Stability Instead Of Bailing Out Fiscal Policy
    Nov 30, 2010  - By Congressman Paul Ryan and John Taylor The Federal Reserve's recent announcement that it will purchase $600 billion in Treasury securities has ignited a firestorm of criticism, opening a much-needed debate over the central bank's proper role in economic policy decisions. We share the concerns... More
  • Rep. Burton Seeks Cosponsors Expressing Condolences in the Aftermath of Typhoon Megi Which Struck the Philippine Islands and Taiwan in October
    Nov 29, 2010  - Rep. Burton seeks original cosponsors of a resolution expressing condolences for the tragedy in the aftermath of Typhoon Megi which struck the Philippine Islands and Taiwan this past October. The damage resulted in 31 deaths in the Philippines and 36 in... More
  • Rep. Chaffetz Seeks Cosigners on Letter to National Mediation Board Requesting that Delta Flight Attendants’ NO Vote on Unionization be Sustained
    Nov 29, 2010  - Rep. Jason Chaffetz seeks cosigners for a letter to National Mediation Board (NMB) requesting NMB sustain the vote of Delta flight attendants against unionization. Delta flight attendants have voted against unionization three times in the past eight years, and the Association of Flight... More

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