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Gordon Supports Bill to End Excessively Loud TV Ads

December 16, 2009, WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. House of Representatives took an important step toward putting an end to blaring television advertisements by passing the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation (CALM) Act, H.R. 1084.  The bipartisan bill will prevent television advertisements from playing at a volume noticeably above the programs during which they air. 

“Nearly every TV viewer has experienced it at some point – you’re watching a television show and then when it goes to commercial, an excessively loud advertisement is played in an attempt to grab your attention,” said Gordon, a cosponsor of the bill.  “Under the CALM Act, TV viewers won’t have to have to dive for the mute button because of these loud television ads.”

Loud commercials have been at the top of consumer complaints to the Federal Communications Commission for decades.  Current FCC policy recommends that consumers “mute” commercials if they find them excessively loud.  The CALM Act codifies industry-developed standards issued in November 2009 to prevent overly loud commercials.

“The CALM Act is an easy fix to a big nuisance.  TV viewers should be able to watch their favorite shows without having to be harassed by these excessively loud advertisements,” added Gordon. 

The CALM Act previously was approved by the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, and the Internet, of which Gordon is a member.  Having passed the House, the bill will now move to the Senate for consideration.


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