• Assistant Director
    • David E. Mosher 
  • Deputy Assistant Director
    • Matthew Goldberg 
  • Division Administrative Assistant
    • Cynthia R. Cleveland 
  • Analysts
    • Adebayo Adedeji (Defense budgeting, military and civilian defense personnel)
    • David Arthur (Military aircraft and space systems)
    • Elizabeth Bass (Military and veterans' health issues)
    • Michael Bennett (Missile defense, nuclear forces, and space systems)
    • Daniel Frisk (Defense budgeting, military operating and support costs)
    • Heidi Golding (Military compensation and health care)
    • Alec D. Johnson (Defense and space strategy)
    • Bernard C. Kempinski (Military aircraft and ground-based weapon systems)
    • Eric J. Labs (Naval forces and weapons)
    • Frances M. Lussier (Ground combat systems and forces)
    • Christopher Murphy (Military aircraft and space systems, explosives)
    • Carla Tighe Murray (Military compensation and health care)
    • Allison Percy (Defense budgeting, military and veterans' health issues)
    • Adam Talaber (Defense budgeting, ground combat systems)
    • R. Derek Trunkey (Naval systems, military personnel, law)

National Security Division

Telephone: (202) 226-2900
Fax: (202) 226-1960

The National Security Division analyzes budgetary issues related to national defense, international security, and veterans' affairs. Its research focuses on defense budgets, military forces and weapon systems, the demand for and supply of military personnel, the military's industrial and support facilities, and U.S. foreign assistance programs. The division's analyses examine the budgetary effects of proposed legislation, the cost-effectiveness of current and potential defense programs, and the impact on the private sector of legislative initiatives concerning defense.


Assistant Director for National Security

David E. Mosher returned to CBO in June 2010, resuming with the agency after having been a principal analyst at CBO from 1990 to 2000 in the division that he now leads. In the decade in between his time at CBO, he was a senior policy analyst at RAND. While there, Mr. Mosher was also an adjunct professor at Georgetown University and served as the director of the American Physical Society's Study Group on Boost-Phase Intercept Systems for National Missile Defense.

Mr. Mosher's recent research has focused on environmental issues for the Army in contingency operations; ballistic missile defense; military use of space; nuclear proliferation; nuclear weapons; the role of the military and the National Guard in homeland security; special forces aviation; Army strategy; and terrorists' acquisition and use of nuclear, biological, chemical, and radiological weapons. Among his recent publications are Green Warriors: Army Environmental Considerations for Contingency Operations from Planning Through Post-Conflict (2008); Diversion of Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Weapons Expertise from the Former Soviet Union: Understanding an Evolving Problem (2005), with John V. Parachini and others; Army Forces for Homeland Security (2004), with Lynn E. Davis and others;  Report of the American Physical Society Study Group on Boost-Phase Intercept Systems for National Missile Defense (2004), with David K. Barton and others; Individual Preparedness and Response to Chemical, Radiological, Nuclear, and Biological Terrorist Attacks (2003), with Lynn E. Davis and others; and "The Budget Politics of Missile Defense," in James Clay Moltz, ed., New Challenges in Missile Proliferation, Missile Defense, and Space Security (2003). Mr. Mosher holds an M.P.A. from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, and a B.A. in physics, from Grinnell College.