Press Release
September 30, 2010Contact: Brad Dayspring202-226-5249
Orange Bar
Whip Cantor Echoes Leader Boehner's Call to End Earmarks

WASHINGTON D.C. – House Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) today issued the following statement echoing Republican Leader John Boehner's call to end earmarks and the out-of-control spending in Washington:

“Earmarks are a symbol of a broken Washington and emblematic of the culture of spending that has dominated Washington for far too long and must be reversed.

“After years of work, I am proud that the House Republican Conference finally adopted an earmark moratorium. In addition, we’ve offered hundreds of billions of dollars in spending cuts to finally begin to reverse the out-of-control spending.

“Republicans are not the same party that was fired in 2006. We have learned our lesson.”
