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2010 Federal Appropriations

Fiscal Year 2010 Federal Appropriations Project Request

*Requests by Subcommittee are listed in alphabetical order

Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration,
and Related Agencies

Project NameCalifornia Cut Flower Commission
California Cut Flower Commission
Recipient Address
1521 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
Amount Requested
 Report Language
Explanation of Request
 The language would be used to support efforts by the California Cut Flower Commission and its members to develop an efficient and environmentally friendly transportation, storage, and distribution system to help them better compete with foreign flower growers.  This request is a valuable to taxpayers because California flower growers are an important part of California’s economy and the U.S. cut flower industry.  California growers produce 80 percent of all flowers grown in the United States, directly employing approximately 14,500 people, while helping sustain an additional 121,950 jobs in the state.  The industry has lost, and continues to lose significant market share due to U.S. trade policies.  The language will help support them as they implement innovative strategies to remain competitive in the industry.

Project Name: California State University Applied Agriculture and Environmental Research, Ca
Recipient of Federal Funds: California State University, Fresno Foundation
Recipient Address: 4910 North Chestnut Avenue, Fresno, CA 93726 
Amount Requested: $7 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to leverage federal funding with university and industry capital to find solutions for priority issues challenging California agriculture, the environment, and consumer health and safety. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because while most funded research takes place in California, results are available in the public domain, and are applicable to improving agriculture and environmental practices throughout the nation, and increasing industry, consumer, and public policy makers’ accessibility to “real time” scientifically based information about pressing issues.

Project Name: Floriculture and Nursery Crops
Recipient of Federal Funds: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Recipient Address: 1400 Independence Ave., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20250
Amount Requested: $8.5 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used for floral and nursery research projects. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the ARS Floriculture and Nursery Research Initiative funds research – conducted by ARS and university scientists – of importance to the floral and horticultural industry that is strongly focused on addressing and solving the industry’s issues and needs.

Project Name: Glassy Winged Sharpshooter and Pierce’s Disease Containment and Control
Recipient of Federal Funds: U.S. Department of Agriculture 
Recipient Address: 1400 Independence Ave., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20250
Amount Requested: $30 million 
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used for Glassy Winged Sharpshooter and Pierce’s Disease containment and control projects. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because Pierce’s disease and its vector the glassy-winged sharpshooter (GWSS) is a major threat to agriculture in California, which has also spread to other states across the country.  While progress is being made, recent events have shown the need to continue funding this vital program. 

Project Name: Los Osos Wastewater Infrastructure
Recipient: San Luis Obispo County
Recipient Address: County Government Center, San Luis Obispo, CA, 93408
Amount Requested: Bill Language
Explanation of Request: The language would be used to assist with the planning and design of a Wastewater Treatment Plant and associated trunk line collection infrastructure in Los Osos. Specifically, the community is seeking a seeking a waiver of the 10,000 population requirement under the USDA Rural Development program to assist them with meeting eligibility requirements for purposes of accessing certain loan and grant programs to construct the project. This request is a valuable to taxpayers because construction of a wastewater project will respond to the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board’s order to replace the community’s current septic system, cleanse Los Osos’ groundwater basin to ensure clean and safe water for the residents of Los Osos, and protect the adjacent Morro Bay National Estuary from pollution. The wastewater project will also resolve Los Osos’ longstanding problem with MTBE and E-coli groundwater contamination, prevent seawater intrusion into deeper groundwater levels, and recharge groundwater supplies.

Project Name: Pierce’s Disease, CA Special Grant  
Recipient of Federal Funds: University of California
Recipient Address: 1400 Independence Ave., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20250
Amount Requested: $3 million 
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used for Pierce’s Disease research projects in California. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because grant for the University of California would provide funds for research on the vine-killing Pierce’s Disease that threatens the U.S. grape and wine industry. 

Project Name: San Luis Obispo County, unincorporated community of Oceano
Recipient: San Luis Obispo County
Recipient Address: County Government Center, San Luis Obispo, CA, 93408
Amount Requested: Bill Language
Explanation of Request: The language would be used to expand eligibility for loans and grants funded under the housing programs of the Rural Housing Service to the unincorporated community of Oceano, in San Luis Obispo County. This request is a valuable to taxpayers because the loans and grants would be given to qualified nonprofit and local government organizations that supply technical assistance to low- and very low-income families. These organizations use the funding to acquire land, recruit and assist families with applying for housing loans, and provide pre-purchase counseling and construction supervision. It would also maintain jobs in construction and related industries, and preserve the financial stability of important organizations.

Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies

Project Name:  Boys and Girls Clubs of America
Recipient of Federal Funds:  Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Inc.
Recipient Address:  1275 Peachtree Street, NE, Atlanta, GA 30309
Amount Requested:  $100 million
Explanation of Request:  The funding would be used to carry out activities of the Boys and Girls Clubs of America nationwide including Clubs in Oxnard, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria and San Luis Obispo County. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the Boys and Girls Clubs of America provide a safe, constructive and fun environment for children after-school that help youth develop the life long tools for success. Specifically, funding allows the Boys and Girls Clubs of America to provide invaluable gang, drug and alcohol prevention programs, education and computer literacy as well as sports, arts and leadership for young people 6-18 years of age.

*This request was made jointly by 22 Members of Congress


Project Name: California Bay-Watershed Education and Training Program
Recipient of Federal Funds: NOAA Office of Education
Recipient Address: 299 Foam St., Monterey, CA 93940
Amount Requested: $2.5 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to continue supporting environment-based education to students in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the grants provided, through a competitive process to eligible organizations, fund meaningful educational experiences to students, teachers, and communities that increase environmental stewardship and appreciation of the watershed and marine environment.

Project Name: California Seafloor Mapping Program
Recipient of Federal Funds: California State Coastal Conservancy
Recipient Address: 1330 Broadway, 13th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612 
Amount Requested: $8.6 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to map all of California’s state waters in order to improve ocean management. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because management of California’s ocean waters, among the most productive in the world, will greatly improve benefit from marine mapping and data. Some benefits include: understanding and mitigating the impacts to sea level rise, evaluating the potential for utilizing ocean energy, designating and monitoring marine reserves, improving navigation and ensuring shipping safety, understanding sediment transport and sand delivery, identifying dredging and dumping sites, help identify fault dynamics, regulation of offshore coastal development, and fisheries management. 

Project Name: City of Guadalupe Police Department Technology Upgrades
Recipient of Federal Funds: City of Guadalupe Police Department
Recipient Address: 4490 10th Street Guadalupe, CA 93434 
Amount Requested: $300,000
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to address the critical need to replace outdated, unserviceable or non-compatible essential safety equipment and upgrade sub-standard facilities and deteriorating infrastructure at the Guadalupe Police Department. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because this equipment, most of which no longer meets the standards/requirements established by the Commission on Peace Officer’s Standards and Training, the Santa Barbara District Attorney’s Office and the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office, negatively affects the ability of the police department to provide for a safe, effective working environment for its employees and reduces the quality of law enforcement services provided to the community.

Project Name: City of Oxnard Comprehensive Critical Assets Remote Surveillance Program
Recipient of Federal Funds: City of Oxnard
Recipient Address: 300 West Third Street, Oxnard, CA 93030
Amount Requested: $2 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to expand the scope of the City of Oxnard’s Security Operations Center to monitor problem areas where crimes continue to persist, track traffic flow at major intersections, and keep watch over sites of significant homeland security interest. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because funding will help to deter crime, protect the citizens of Oxnard, and allow for the rapid dispatch of police and emergency services to areas of immediate need.

Project Name: City of Santa Maria Automated Vehicle Locators
Recipient of Federal Funds: City of Santa Maria
Recipient Address: 110 E. Cook Street, Santa Maria, CA 93454
Amount Requested: $250,000
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to purchase and install Automated Vehicle Locator technology in 70 police unit vehicles. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because Automated Vehicle Locator Technology will enhance police officer safety, improve patrol resource efficiency, and mitigate harassment claims caused by saturation patrols for traffic enforcement.

Project Name: Ventura County Sheriff Department Regional Gang Unit
Recipient of Federal Funds: County of Ventura Sheriff Department
Recipient Address: 800 S. Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93009
Amount Requested: $300,000
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to assist the Regional Gang Unit to analyze evidence from gang-related crimes throughout the county. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because federal funding will assist the Sheriff’s gang unit with the apprehension of gang members, the disruption and dismantlement of gangs, and the investigation and prevention of gang-related crimes.

Project Name: West Coast Governors’ Agreement on Ocean Health
Recipient of Federal Funds: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 
Recipient Address: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­1305 East-West Hwy, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Amount Requested: $5 million 
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to support the priorities of the West Coast Governors’ Agreement on Ocean Health Action Plan, including climate change, polluted runoff, marine debris, spartina eradication, integrated ecosystem assessments, sustainable ocean energy development, ocean education, sustainable communities, and regional sediment management. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the Governors’ Action Plan uses a collaborative approach to address some of our region’s most pressing ocean and coastal management challenges, and federal funding will help advance this forward looking federal-state partnership.  While the activities will be focused on the ocean and coast, the benefits will extend into the interior of each state, because sound ocean and coastal management supports tourism, recreation, port operations, and other commerce activities that provide billions of dollars every year to each state.  

Subcommittee on Defense

Project Name: Channel Islands Air National Guard Station 146th Air Wing C-130Js
Recipient: Channel Islands Air National Guard Station 146 Airlift Wing
Recipient Address: 4146 Naval Air Road, Port Hueneme, CA 93041
Amount Requested: Bill Language              
Explanation of Request: The language would be used to direct the Secretary of Defense to submit a report to the Committee on Appropriations detailing the Department’s timeline for increasing the 146th Airlift Wing’s primary aircraft authorization from 8 to 10 C-130Js.  This request is a valuable to taxpayers because 146th Airlift Wing cannot perform its assigned federal and state missions effectively with only 8 aircraft.  The Federal mission of the 146th Airlift Wing is to provide tactical delivery of personnel, equipment and supplies to theater military commanders worldwide; support ongoing military operations in Southwest Asia; provide relief during emergencies, natural disasters and homeland defense; and assist with counter drug missions.

Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies

Project Name: Calleguas Municipal Water District Recycling Plant
Recipient of Federal Funds: Calleguas Municipal Water District
Recipient Address:  2100 Olsen Road, Thousand Oaks, CA, 91360
Amount Requested: $6 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used for development of a pipeline system that would collect and convey brackish groundwater and recycled water for direct use. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the project will facilitate the development of up to 50,000 acre feet of water, per year, for municipal and agricultural uses thereby reducing the need to import water to the region from Northern California.

Project Name: Cambria Seawater Desalination
Recipient of Federal Funds: Cambria Community Services District
Recipient Address:  1316 Tamson Drive, Suite 201, Cambria, CA, 93428
Amount Requested: $2 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to construct a seawater desalination facility to augment severely limited potable water supplies in Cambria. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because current water sources are shallow wells, which are unable to provide a reliable water source, particularly during dry weather, and severe MTBE contamination.

Project Name: Carpinteria Shoreline Study
Recipient of Federal Funds: City of Carpinteria
Recipient Address:  5775 Carpinteria Avenue, Carpinteria, CA, 93013
Amount Requested: $500,000
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to investigate shoreline protection and coastal storm damage reduction along the Carpinteria shoreline. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the City of Carpinteria’s coastline and beaches have suffered tremendous erosion and storm damage over the last decade. Proposed alternative plans include: beach nourishment, submerged artificial reefs and seawalls.

Project Name: Goleta Beach
Recipient of Federal Funds: County of Santa Barbara
Recipient Address:  123 East Anapamu Street
Amount Requested: $500,000
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to investigate shoreline protection and coastal storm damage reduction at Goleta Beach. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because several major storms have eroded the beach, resulting in the loss of coastal recreation and other park amenities. This project would create and maintain a wider beach for shore protection and recreation and prevent future loss of sand, and other park amenities.

Project Name: GREAT Program Advanced Water Purification Facility Phase I
Recipient of Federal Funds: City of Oxnard
Recipient Address: 300 West Third Street, Oxnard, CA 93030
Amount Requested: $5 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to assist with the construction of Phase I of the GREAT Program’s Advanced Water Purification Facility (AWPF). This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because Phase I of the AWPF facility is expected to treat wastewater from the City’s regional wastewater plant and produce 6.25 million gallons per day of high-quality recycled water, which will be used for agricultural irrigation, groundwater injection, industrial processes, and landscape irrigation. The use of recycled water within the City service areas for industrial purposes and landscape irrigation will directly offset the need to use scarce potable water for these non-potable needs.

Project Name: Lake Cachuma – Water and Sewage Treatment Replacement
Recipient of Federal Funds: Santa Barbara County
Recipient Address:  $3 million
Amount Requested: 123 East Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, CA, 93101

Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to replace critical water facilities and ensure a stable water supply for the area and continued operations for recreational visitors to the Lake Cachuma in Santa Barbara County. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the Lake is a source of drinking water for County residents, as well as a recreation site for residents and visitors throughout California. As a result of a Biological Opinion issued by the National Marine Fisheries Services, the Bureau is preparing to raise the level of the Lake to capture, retain and subsequently release additional water for the protection of habitat for the endangered steelhead trout. The surcharge will impact various existing structures around the Lake, including a water intake facility and treatment plant, and two sewer lift stations.

Project Name: Lower Mission Creek
Recipient of Federal Funds: City of Santa Barbara
Recipient Address:  $5 million
Amount Requested: P.O. Box 1990, Santa Barbara, CA, 93102
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to complete the pre-engineering and design phase of the Lower Mission Creek Flood Control and Rehabilitation Project. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because Mission Creek possesses the greatest unresolved flood hazard of any stream in Santa Barbara County. The urban portion of the creek is fully developed and has a very high potential for serious damage in the event of a flood.

Project Name: Los Osos Wastewater Infrastructure
Recipient of Federal Funds: San Luis Obispo County
Recipient Address: County Government Center, San Luis Obispo, CA, 93408
Amount Requested: $5 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to assist with the planning and design of a Wastewater Treatment Plant and associated trunk line collection infrastructure in Los Osos. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because construction of a wastewater project will respond to the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board’s order to replace the community’s current septic system, cleanse Los Osos’ groundwater basin to ensure clean and safe water for the residents of Los Osos, and protect the adjacent Morro Bay National Estuary from pollution. The wastewater project will also resolve Los Osos’ longstanding problem with MTBE and E-coli groundwater contamination, prevent seawater intrusion into deeper groundwater levels, and recharge groundwater supplies.

Project Name: Matilija Dam
Recipient of Federal Funds: Ventura County Watershed Protection District
Recipient Address: 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA, 93009
Amount Requested: $2.5 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to complete pre-construction engineering and design work, and begin construction work on the removal of the Matilija Dam. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the 200-foot tall Matilija Dam, located on a tributary of the Ventura River, needs to be removed in order to reestablish runs of the endangered southern steelhead, reestablish the natural flow of sand flow to coastal beaches, and provide new recreational opportunities above the dam.

Project Name: Morro Bay Harbor
Recipient of Federal Funds: Morro Bay Harbor Department
Recipient Address: 1275 Embarcadero Road, Morro Bay, CA, 93442
Amount Requested: $7.215 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used for operation and maintenance dredging in Morro Bay Harbor. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the complete dredging project will allow safe passage for the harbor’s commercial, recreational and Coast Guard traffic.

Project Name: Pismo Beach
Recipient of Federal Funds: City of Pismo Beach
Recipient Address:  760 Mattie Road, Pismo Beach, CA, 93449
Amount Requested: $500,000
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to initiate construction work to limit wave impacts and bluff erosion in Pismo Beach. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because erosion at Pismo beach has accelerated significantly in the last few years, eating away at the shoreline bluffs and resulting in road closings and utility relocations. If the erosion is allowed to continue, the shoreline erosion will result in further infrastructure deterioration and threaten public and private property.

Project Name: Port of Hueneme
Recipient of Federal Funds: Oxnard Harbor District
Recipient Address: 333 Pomona Street, P.O. Box 608, Port Hueneme, CA, 93044
Amount Requested: $5 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used for the Approach and Entrance Channels, the Turning Basin, and Slip “A” to a depth of -40 feet mean lower low water at the Port of Hueneme. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because completion of this project will improve both commercial and military cargo movement efficiencies within the Port.

Project Name: Santa Barbara Harbor
Recipient of Federal Funds: City of Santa Barbara
Recipient Address: P.O. Box 1990, Santa Barbara, CA, 93102
Amount Requested: $2.3 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used for operation and maintenance dredging in Santa Barbara Harbor. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because failure to maintain the harbor through annual dredging will result in accumulated sand in the channel and the likely closure of Coast Guard operations, important marine resource research and monitoring, local commercial and recreational fishing and other businesses in the Harbor.

Project Name: Santa Clara River Watershed
Recipient of Federal Funds: Ventura County Watershed Protection District
Recipient Address: 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA, 93009
Amount Requested: $1 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to complete a feasibility study for the Santa Clara River Watershed. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the continued pressure of urbanization in both Los Angeles and Ventura Counties will affect the floodplain and environmental resources in the Santa Clara River Watershed, the largest in Southern California, if the Federal government fails to assist key local and state stakeholders in developing the Santa Clara River Enhancement and Management Plan.

Project Name: Santa Maria River Levees
Recipient of Federal Funds: Santa Barbara County
Recipient Address: 123 East Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, CA, 93101
Amount Requested: $14.5 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to repair and strengthen the Santa Maria River Levees. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the levees protect the city of Santa Maria, the coastal city of Guadalupe, as well as thousands of acres of prime agricultural land. Unfortunately, the levees are currently inadequately reinforced to withstand river flows and therefore, are in need of immediate repair.

Project Name: Ventura Harbor
Recipient of Federal Funds: Ventura Port District
Recipient Address: 1583 Spinnaker Drive, Ventura, CA, 93022
Amount Requested: $4.5 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used for operations and maintenance dredging in Ventura Harbor. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because annual dredging of the harbor entrance areas is necessary in order to assure a navigationally adequate channel for commercial and recreational traffic.

Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies

Project Name: El Rio Forebay Groundwater Contamination Elimination Project
Recipient of Federal Funds: Ventura County Public Works Agency, Water and Sanitation Department
Recipient Address: 7150 Walnut Canyon Road, P.O. Box 250, Moorpark, CA 93020
Amount Requested: $3 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to assist with the construction of a conventional sewer collection system in the unincorporated community of El Rio in Ventura County. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because currently the El Rio neighborhood discharges approximately 1 million gallons per day of partially treated wastewater effluent into the groundwater of the Forebay Basin. This groundwater provides drinking water to over 190,000 people. The purpose of the El Rio Forebay Groundwater Contaminant Elimination Project is to construct a conventional sewer system to facilitate the elimination of septic tank discharges into the Forebay Basin. A Federal, State and local funding partnership would be helpful to make the El Rio Project implementation affordable for its 6,200 residents to maintain the El Rio neighborhood, and protect the Forebay and groundwater resources for future generations. Federal funding will also help to reduce the amount of the loan necessary to complete the project, thereby reducing the impact of sewer charges to be paid by property owners within the community.

Project Name: Nipomo Waterline Intertie Project
Recipient of Federal Funds: Nipomo Community Services District
Recipient Address: 148 South Wilson Street, Nipomo, CA 93444
Amount Requested: $2 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to assist with the construction of a waterline intertie project in Nipomo. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because it will allow the Nipomo Community Services District to purchase potable water from the City of Santa Maria to help address their concerns with salt water intrusion into the Nipomo Mesa groundwater basin. Federal funding will help offset the sizable costs associated with construction of the intertie project to move the water between Santa Maria and the Nipomo water distribution system.

Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies

Project Name: Computers for Families
Recipient of Federal Funds: Santa Barbara Partners in Education
Recipient Address: 4400 Cathedral Oaks Road, P.O. Box 6307, Santa Barbara, CA 93160
Amount Requested: $100,000
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to support the work of Computers for Families, which serves a minimum of 600 students and their families each year in Southern Santa Barbara County and since program inception in 1997, has served more than 7,500. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the program works to eliminate the negative consequences of the digital divide by providing low-income students with in-home computers, low-cost Internet access, training and ongoing maintenance. The goal of the program is to ensure all students can fully participate in their education regardless of income level.

Project Name: Education for Democracy Act
Recipient of Federal Funds: Center for Civic Education
Recipient Address: 5145 Douglas Fir Road, Calabasas, CA, 91302
Amount Requested: $35 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to support Education for Democracy programs through the Center for Civic Education. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the Education for Democracy programs are among the most cost effective programs supported by the federal government. They effectively promote among students a profound understanding of and commitment to the fundamental values and principles of American constitutional democracy as expressed in such seminal documents as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and the Gettysburg Address. They also promote students’ capacities to participate competently and responsibility in the political life of their communities and the nation.

*This request was made jointly by 99 Members of Congress


Project Name: National Writing Project
Recipient of Federal Funds: National Writing Project
Recipient Address: 2105 Bancroft Way, #1042, Berkeley, CA 94720
Amount Requested: $30 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to support the work of the National Writing Project. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the National Writing Project program provides support for a national infrastructure of more than 200 writing projects sites that serve their local schools and teaching communities with high-quality teacher professional development in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

*This request was made jointly by 37 Members of Congress


Project Name: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Recipient of Federal Funds: Marian Medical Center
Recipient Address: 1400 E. Church St, Santa Maria CA 93454
Amount Requested: $1 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to develop a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at Marian Medical Center in order to enable mothers to safely deliver their babies in their community. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because Marian Medical Center delivers over 3,100 babies per year, but does not have the capacity to care for premature or high-risk newborns. This funding will enable these babies and their mothers to remain in the community and save money that would otherwise have to be used for transporting them to other hospitals.

Project Name: One-Stop Health Care Enrollment Center
Recipient of Federal Funds: County of Ventura Health Care Agency
Recipient Address: 2323 Knoll Drive, Ventura CA 93003
Amount Requested: $750,000
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to support the One-Stop Health Care Enrollment Center, which streamlines enrollment and improves retention in Medicaid, SCHIP, and other available health insurance programs. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the program targets low-income families who have the highest fiscal impact on the health care safety-net when they do not have a regular source of care.

Project Name: Reading is Fundamental
Recipient of Federal Funds: Reading is Fundamental
Recipient Address: 1825 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington D.C., 20009
Amount Requested: $28 million
Explanation of Request:  The funding would be used to support the work of Reading is Fundamental as authorized in Section 5451 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because Reading is Fundamental enhances child literacy by providing millions of underserved children with free books for personal ownership and reading encouragement from the more than 18,000 locations throughout all fifty states, Washington, D.C., Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

*This request was made jointly by 107 Members of Congress


Project Name: Reach Out and Read
Recipient of Federal Funds: Reach Out and Read National Center
Recipient Address: 56 Roland Street, Boston, MA 02129
Amount Requested: $10 million
Explanation of Request:  The funding would be used to support the work of Reach Out and Read in more than 3,500 clinics and hospitals nationwide. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because Reach Out and Read (ROR) is a national program that promotes literacy and language development in infants and young children, targeting disadvantage and poor children and families through doctors’ offices and clinics. Reach Out and Read has trained nearly 50,000 doctors and nurses with proven strategies that promote and improve literacy of more than 25% of America’s at-risk children.

*This request was made jointly by 129 Members of Congress


Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies

Project Name: Construct 30th Space Wing HQ Facility (Phase I)
Recipient of Federal Funds: Vandenberg Air Force Base, 30th Space Wing
Recipient Address: 747 Nebraska Avenue, Suite A-103, Vandenberg AFB, CA 93437
Amount Requested: $9.8 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to construct a new 20,000 square foot headquarters facility to house the 30th Space Wing command staff and the core wing staff agencies. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because a new headquarters facility will greatly help to ease a severely strained administrative space inventory on the installation. Without this project, the 30th Space Wing staff will continue to be dispersed in separate facilities, compounding growing inefficiencies. In addition, there will be inadequate space to accommodate the growth of the 14th Air Force capabilities.

Project Name:  Surface Targets Development Lab
Recipient of Federal Funds: Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, Port Hueneme
Recipient Address: 311 Main Road, Building 1, Point Mugu, CA 93402
Amount Requested: $9.63 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to construct a new 30,000 square foot Surface Targets Development and Depot Maintenance Lab to house all Cognizant Field Activity functions in a single laboratory environment at Naval Base Ventura County, Point Mugu. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because without a new facility, the U.S. Navy’s Seaborne Targets mission will continue to be executed at a greatly reduced efficiency.

Subcommittee on Transportation and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies

Project Name: Bob Jones City to the Sea Bike Path
Recipient of Federal Funds: San Luis Obispo Council of Governments
Recipient Address:  1150 Osos Street. Suite 202, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Amount Requested: $500,000
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to complete a 1.2 mile segment of the bike path which would start at the Octagon Barn and lead to the Highway 101 undercrossing at Ontario Road. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because completion of the bike path will eventually extend the corridor from the City of San Luis Obispo to the beach located in the town of Avila.

Project NameCalifornia Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Technology Park
Recipient of Federal Funds
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Recipient Address
1 Grand Avenue, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Amount Requested: $600,000
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used for improvements to the initial building of the California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly) Technology Park, currently under construction and expected to be completed in Spring 2010. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the Technology Park would provide space for technology-based R&D companies on the Cal Poly campus for the purpose of fostering the exchange of technical knowledge and expertise between the educational and business communities in San Luis Obispo County. The Park is expected to result in significant benefits to both Cal Poly and the commercial tenants, and thereby the regional economy.

Project Name: Colonia Library Branch
Recipient of Federal Funds: City of Oxnard
Recipient Address: 300 West Third Street, Oxnard, CA 93030
Amount Requested: $100,000
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used for the design of construction documents to begin the process of remodeling and expanding its Colonia Branch Library in Oxnard. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the existing library is located in a small room in the Colonia Multi-Service Center. The existing library is currently providing public library services to approximately 18,600 residents; however the space limitations that are being encountered severely reduce the quality and types of services that can be offered to these residents.

Project Name: Pismo Beach Promenade Phase IV
Recipient of Federal Funds: San Luis Obispo Council of Governments
Recipient Address:  1150 Osos Street. Suite 202, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Amount Requested: $750,000
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used to complete Phase IV of the Pismo Beach Promenade on the north side of the Pismo Pier. The design includes viewing platforms, seating, lighting, and access to the beach and pier area. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the Promenade is a very popular attraction for visitors and residents of south San Luis Obispo County. Congress has previously appropriated almost $1 million for phases I, II and III of the Promenade since 1997.

Project Name: Rice Avenue Interchange at U.S. Highway 101
Recipient of Federal Funds: Ventura County Transportation Commission
Recipient Address:  950 County Square Drive, Suite 207, Ventura CA 93003
Amount Requested: $5 million
Explanation of Request: The funding would be used for construction of an interchange improvement at Rice Avenue/Santa Clara Avenue at U.S. Highway 101. Specifically, the $80 million project includes a new overcrossing structure of eight lanes, new on-ramps and off-ramps on the freeway, irrigated landscaping and new street lighting. This request is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because construction of interchange improvements will relieve traffic congestion and allow free flow of trucks serving the Port of Hueneme and the Los Angeles metropolitan market area.

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My Voting Record

My Voting Record

12-2 607 H RES 1737 Aye
12-2 606 H RES 1737 Aye
12-2 605 H RES 1313 Aye
12-2 604 H R 4853 Yea
12-2 603 S 3307 Aye

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